Large Scale Central


Well lots of greats pictures and videos on Facebook. I would share them but we all know how that will go. I had a great time although not much time to take pictures. I figured with Facebook their would be plenty. Sure enough their was.
Sorry I missed a bunch of people but it’s tough when your their for only a day and the day goes so fast So much to do and so many people you run into new and old.

Thanks for supporting LSC …

John Caughey said:

Thanks for supporting LSC …

You got it. If thats what you really think. I would be more then happy to share but if I post a Facebook link to them I would just have to hear the complaints. Just because it’s not your way, I’m sorry.

Shawn, your post before was showing you thumbing your nose at the people who don’t use facebook.

So, No thanks for NOT supporting LSC. You could have posted pictures here, but you indicated you would not.

And you know what? I DID go to facebook, and had a hard time… I got one page, and there were some videos of the show, but clicking forwards went into 2015 and 2016… yeah, a bit more work sorting it out.

I tried. Not as nice as just 2017 pictures all in one thread without interspersed commentary, and older pictures, and scrolling all over.

I tried.


p.s. maybe someone without a chip on his shoulder could post links.

Even though I do not have a FB account, I still can scroll down thru the ECLSTS postings and even view the “Live” vids.

For people with the need for some USAT’ loco shells this would ah been the place to be it seems.

When he gets back home with a better internet connect’ he says he will be processing/posting vid on his 'Utube channel; ?

Thanks Shawn for taking the time to post . . .

Doug C

p.s. FRED there are some “alcove” shots mixed in there !

Yeah, the stuff I watched on that first link had really aggravating audio dropouts. Since I’m not watching them live, that means those dropouts are part of the recording.

So, I wonder how he can fix this? Maybe he has the actual recordings stored locally in the camera, and what we watched are recordings of broadcasts?


Funny thing, that has me kind of curious. Friday there was an announcement on the PA system, basically saying that the show will be back next year. Now, why was such an announcement made? Is there a question as to the continuance of the ECLSTS?

I hope this isn’t a case of trying to dispel rumors that turn out to be true, ALA Aristo.

The show has dwindled over the past 5 or 10 years, in numbers of vendors, amount of product for sale, and numbers of attendees.

I am just curious, that’s all.

For one, what train groups do you belong to on Facebook? That is where they are. It’s not hard to find. The most popular is G scale trains. A guy has been giving update coverage and posting to the USAT g scale train page. I’m not sure why you are having so much difficulties. Another reason why you can’t say anything about FB. You have no idea how it even works. Like anything its a learning curve.
If you think I’m putting you guys down, your to sensitive. You guys just don’t understand how FB works and Everytime it’s mentioned we get crucified. We are just trying to show and get you to understand it better. I’m not supporting LSC? That’s a little extreme considering all the photos and videos I have shared.

Holy crap, are we going to drag the Pro vs. Con FB arguement into every thread now? Click this thread expecting to see updates on the show, instead it is another pissing match over the use of FB.

It is simple, if you like FB use it, if you don’t like FB, don’t use it and shut up about the guy who does the opposite. Either way, climb down off the cross, use the wood to build a bridge and GET OVER IT

Chris Kieffer said:

Holy crap, are we going to drag the Pro vs. Con FB arguement into every thread now? Click this thread expecting to see updates on the show, instead it is another pissing match over the use of FB.

It is simple, if you like FB use it, if you don’t like FB, don’t use it and shut up about the guy who does the opposite. Either way, climb down off the cross, use the wood to build a bridge and GET OVER IT

Haha not every thread, just the ones when someone tries to post a link to FB and they get backlash or a song and dance. But I’m done lol

I contend every time you send viewers off site you are eroding this site. I thought Bob offered free space to make this site most beneficial, not to be an Index for FB.

Everybody got new Freight Sheds to post your pics here…

I have never crucified anybody, I merely asked for another option. I must say those that are pro FB are defensive.(

Yes I don’t know how to use it, thanks ever so much for rubbing my nose in it. Feel more better? Keep sending me there even though I can’t use it. Gosh I’m so grateful… round and round it goes.

" Another reason why you can’t say anything about FB. You have no idea how it even works. " Am I not allowed an opinion? Or the above?

Thanks to Scott for sharing his Flicker page. No need to be a member of a group to share his experience…

Kind of funny to be told being a member of groups makes it easy to find, our contention is if one isn’t, it’s tough to find anything… So you agree?

Gosh, what fun!


David Maynard said:

Funny thing, that has me kind of curious. Friday there was an announcement on the PA system, basically saying that the show will be back next year. Now, why was such an announcement made? Is there a question as to the continuance of the ECLSTS?

I hope this isn’t a case of trying to dispel rumors that turn out to be true, ALA Aristo.

The show has dwindled over the past 5 or 10 years, in numbers of vendors, amount of product for sale, and numbers of attendees.

I am just curious, that’s all.

I imagine that since the promoter died, there may have been some asking about that.


Chris Kieffer said:

Holy crap, are we going to drag the Pro vs. Con FB arguement into every thread now? Click this thread expecting to see updates on the show, instead it is another pissing match over the use of FB.

It is simple, if you like FB use it, if you don’t like FB, don’t use it and shut up about the guy who does the opposite. Either way, climb down off the cross, use the wood to build a bridge and GET OVER IT

Yes, Facebook is the latest raw nerve, on both sides. I am not taking sides. So don’t lump me in with _____. But yes, this is supposed to be a friendly site of folks who share a similar interest. So, why cant we just play nice? I am not taking sides, so please don’t attack me for asking for a bit of civility, please.

I know I heard a lot of people saying that they think this might be the last show because it’s been getting smaller each year. They might have made that announcement to reassure everyone that the show will be around next year.
I see no reason why it would be last. Dealers have to be making money still. I saw lots of people buying.

Some shots from the Drag & Bag [sic], formerly known as the Drag & Brag…(

I should have taken more, but I forgot… (

Jack shows off his neat stagecoach model; in the foreground is Doc Watson’s nicely done passenger car.

I didn’t realize I had captured Jan & Jean in the mirror.(

Bob, Martha, Deb & Stan…George in the background…

Gary Buchanan, “Doc” Watson, and David Marconi.

Andy is always surprised and Larry doesn’t look too pleased. (

All in all, another great D&B session; I really enjoyed it, but it seemed to last about 20 minutes!

Thanks Bruce wish I was able to stay and make the drag and brag.

Shawn Viggiano said:
Thanks Bruce wish I was able to stay and make the drag and brag.

Yes - we missed you! We don’t do the show any more - the D&B is the main attraction for us and starts off the season.

Thank you, Bruce…one great friend we can count on…!! Say hello to Jean for me please.


Chris Kieffer said:

Holy crap, are we going to drag the Pro vs. Con FB arguement into every thread now? Click this thread expecting to see updates on the show, instead it is another pissing match over the use of FB.

It is simple, if you like FB use it, if you don’t like FB, don’t use it and shut up about the guy who does the opposite. Either way, climb down off the cross, use the wood to build a bridge and GET OVER IT

No. We aren’t. Enough from all sides.

Good time was had by most from what I saw. I want to thank Doc Watson for the informative hat at the D&B