While it’s still officially winter; the local weather people call March 1 the start of meteorological spring. Even though the high sun angle and above freezing daytime temps have worked hard to melt away the winter snows, it’s still winter on my calendar.
I ran the full length of my track today with Shay #5 and a test train. I had to push the ladder back down in the usual places but that was easy. There is one spot just past where the track is encased in concrete at the walk crossing that I always get lift over time creating a sharp vertical curve. That section will need to get removed this spring and the track lowered back where it belongs. This will be the second rebuild of this floating section; I’m thinking of converting it to ladder and anchoring to the concrete walk.
I know this is a picture thread (I should, I started it) so after I warm up I’ll go back out with the camera and take a few shots.