Large Scale Central

2011 Invasion of Friends....mark your calendars.....plan ahead

Yes it is early, but so many times, I get asked,“When is the INVASION, next year ?”.

Well, the 2011 Invasion will start as usual on a Thursday, July 14th. This places the Invasion right on the third weekend of July, just like it has been for quite a few years.

Thursday, July 14th, through Sunday, July 17th, 2011.

  " A four day adventure, with railroading, and friends, having fun"

Calendar is marked, plans are being made. If you can only do one thing a year, this should be it.

Looks like I’ll miss this one. :frowning:

My daughter has just gotten engaged and she chose that date for the wedding. :smiley:

Get her to move the date by one week, or you won’t attend…after all, you are still allowed to make certain demands…!!! raised her, paid for her education…you deserve one last favour, to make up for the fact that you probably are expected to also pay for the wedding…we might even consider a collection at the Invasion, to help you pay for it…now, is that a bargin…!!!..or have her come here, and Fr.Fred will marry her off for you at no charge…!!!..oh…maybe a case of bheer, or a bottle of Whisky…!!

Hi Bruce! No need to ask why the Friar is a bachelor. :wink: I am sorry to hear that you and Jean will not be able to take part in the next Annual American Invasion of Ottawa. You will be missed.


Hopefully we will have the pleasure of your company at the spring ECLSTS.

Bruce Chandler said:
Looks like I’ll miss this one. :frowning: My daughter has just gotten engaged and she chose that date for the wedding. :smiley:

Out of 52 possible times (or 104 iffen ya count both days) to have it, how could she possibly pick that weekend? I mean, what are the odds??? Why don’t you have this guy stand in for ya?


Think she’d notice the difference?..:wink:

Bruce and Jean,


I guess I’m also in favor of the wedding being at the IPP&WRR. I’m sure it be only a few extra guests. You better reserve rooms at the Monticello, now.

…I’ll see if I can get better rates…!!!

BTW, Ric; it’s known as the Monterey Inn…!!

We could arrange to have the wedding on the Wakefield Steam train…I think that if we contacted them around this time, they would be able to reserve the train for the wedding…I’ll bet you never thought of that, did you, Bruce…I can get Nancy Stass, next door to work her magic…she is involved with the steam train…
There is a great hotel complex at Wakefield Quebec…part of an old mill…a great place to stage a great wedding…get there by steam train…a Loco and cars from Sweden…

Your daughter would be the talk of Washington society… Remember, Ottawa is Canada’s Capitol City…

Gary was asking for the date of THE INVASION for 2011,here’s a reminder

In case anyone is interested:
The Annual American Invasion is still planned for the usual dates (Posted at the start of this thread) In spite of the sudden need to rebuild Nelson Yard, due to a wind storm. Progress is being made. The rebuild is moving right along. The stump is to be removed on Monday May 9th. The rebuild will get started soon after, weather permitting. We have already dismantled most of the old yard, and planning has started for the new one.
All is well.

Just a not so folks won’t be cornfused…

This is the thread for Invasion 2010. Doesn’t Invasion 2011 deserve its’ own thread?

Just askin’… :stuck_out_tongue:

Steve Featherkile said:
Just a not so folks won't be cornfused...

This is the thread for Invasion 2010. Doesn’t Invasion 2011 deserve its’ own thread?

Just askin’… :stuck_out_tongue:

Sez 2011 in all the places I looked. You in the wrong thread again Steve ?

He’s still checking out Bob’s bollards. :slight_smile:

OK…put down the crack pipe Steve…or maybe put on your glasses?

Randy McDonald said:
He's still checking out Bob's bollards. :)
Well, Fred can supply him with plenty of wharf material ...



Maybe the confusion was that the planning of 2011 began as soon as 2010 was over. We start early and plan extensively. You should try to make it. These Canadians are nice folks.

It is on my list.