Large Scale Central

2008 - 10th consecutive year of no global warming

And Al Gore is still stupid.

2008 is the 10th consecutive year of no global warming and it is also the 6th consecutive year of global cooling.

I think I hear the new ice age knocking at the door.


TonyWalsham said:
Is this man stupid too?

Plus, last night I saw the David Letterman interview with McCain from just before Christmas. McCain seemed to be still convinced of the urgency of solving the problem of climate change caused by global warming.

What McCain says or thinks means nothing from the perspective of most Americans who vote conservative. He is wrong about global warming and stupidly stubborn about it. There is NO urgency to “solving” a problem that does NOT exist.

Ric Golding said:
I think I hear the new ice age knocking at the door.
I am fearful that you might be right. The return of the massive frigid winters and cold springs has become a matter of considerable concern here in Alaska. And THIS is the state that is supposedly most affected by anthropogenic global warming. Of course, there is no such thing.

I’ve never entirely understood the hostility to global warming. The fact of global warming is unmistakable:


Notice in the chart than can be periods of cooler temps., and periods of significant temperature drop (the 1950s, for ex.) but the overall trend for the past 100 years is objectively a fact, just as it’s objectively a fact that there were once ice sheets covering new york state and there were once glaciers in glacier national park. There might be some dispute about the cause, although this chart:


shows the extent of the increase in global carbon dioxide, and surely that carbon dioxide is doing something. And there’s really good scientific evidence about what it’s doing. So there’s really good evidence of global warming overall, even if there are periods of cooling, and it’s at least common sense that such a massive increase in carbon dioxide must be causing some changes. Is the hostility to the fact of global warming just that it’s associated with Al Gore? or is it the idea that it’s human beings’ fault? Is it that it’s associated with stereotypical tree hugging enviromentalists? It’s kind of like insisting that the sun moves around the earth at this point.

But Congress will still spend our tax dollars on solving the Global Warming (renamed Global Climate Change just in case) problems we are causing by allowing cow flatulence to escasp into the atmosphere.


TonyWalsham said:
Ron Simpson said:
TonyWalsham said:
Is this man stupid too?

Plus, last night I saw the David Letterman interview with McCain from just before Christmas. McCain seemed to be still convinced of the urgency of solving the problem of climate change caused by global warming.

What McCain says or thinks means nothing from the perspective of most Americans who vote conservative. He is wrong about global warming and stupidly stubborn about it. There is NO urgency to “solving” a problem that does NOT exist.

But you did vote for him knowing full well where he stood on the matter. Did you not?
What does that make you?
Easily led?

You certainly have a way of spinning things, don’t you? I DID vote for the Republicans for the same reason most other conservatives voted for the Republican ticket. We held our noses doing so because we were definitely voting for the LESSER of two evils. But not by much. It was a horrible dilemma.

I've never entirely understood the hostility to global warming. The fact of global warming is unmistakable:
The hostility is NOT toward any alleged global warming but toward ANTHROPOGENIC global warming and all the expensive programs that go with it that would essentially destroy the western economic system for NOTHING. Because there is nothing out there. AGW proponents have NEVER proven their case because they cannot. It is ALL based on faulty computer models AND misread ice core samples. It is ALL nonsense. MY hostility is toward the LEFT and specifically those enviro-wacko ideologues who have turned AGW into a new religion and attempted to paint those of us who disagree with them into a corner as "flat-earthers" and "denialists." You know what this is? That is raw left-wing demagoguery at its finest. Fortunately, there are increasing indications that people are finally waking up to this scam. Because the ONLY thing man-made here is a politically-motivated FICTION.

Just so I’m clear on this–Ric is saying there is no global warming and Ron is saying there is global warming but people are not the cause?

TonyWalsham said:
Is this man stupid too?

Plus, last night I saw the David Letterman interview with McCain from just before Christmas. McCain seemed to be still convinced of the urgency of solving the problem of climate change caused by global warming.


There are many different opinions. Probably many are valid. One is that nobody ever thought McCain was or is the sharpest knife in the drawer, he was just thought to be acceptable by some and the only other choice that was offered by many. Misguided and easily led certainly always comes to mind in these theories.


I don’t think there is any denial of Climate Change. It gets warmer, it gets cooler, it has always done that. I find it humorous that some people feel humans are the cause. Believe what you want. If you want, you can even call it a religeon. I would just appreciate people not forcing their religion on me. Why is challenging an unproven theory always being taken as hostility?



All I stated was that the evening news had a headline of the last 10 years have been without warming and the last six a cooling cycle. The opinion that Al Gore is still stupid is my opinion as he continues to try to find another dragon to slay. Some people have to always have a cause to try to force on other people.

Off to get some sleep to prepare for the sky to fall and the World to end.

The argument that global warming is purely a natural phenomenon seems kind of flawed to me. Yes, there have always been natural cycles of warming and cooling–that’s clearly true.

but here’s an analogy–there have always been firest fires. Lightening strikes dry timber and there you go–huge, raging forest fires. It’s a natural phenomenon. So the logical assumption is that because some fires have always been caused by lightning, we should do nothing to stop forest fires. After all, we don’t always know for sure what starts them, though there’s often extremeley strong evidence to suggest it was humans

The spike in global temperatures over the last 100 years corresponds very closely with the industrial revolution, and the industrial revolution brought about an unprecedented release of carbon dioxide and other “greenhouse gases.” I mean, no one can dispute this. The amount of coal dug from the ground and burned just spikes like mad around 1880 and keeps going up and up. And that’s just coal–there’s also oil. Nobody was burning petroleum in 1820. Both the very sharp rise in global temperatures and the very massive rise in carbon dioxide emissions happen at the same time. It could simply be a coincidence–just as it could be a coincidence that two kids with a gasoline can are seen running from the site of a forest fire.

Well every summer here has been a degree or so hotter than the last one, winters have been colder too, we dont have mild weather anymore, it goes from icebox to furnace in about a moth during spring, we had massive fires only a few weeks ago, now were in the 30’s at night. Our summer weather patterns are also shifting, we get thunderstorms alot more in the summer now than 10 years ago,

We dont know exactly how global warming is going to effect things, some places will get warmer some may get cooler.

Want some evidence? notice that we have less days of actaul snow but ice storms have become much more prevelent and cover wider areas than in the past? This is due to the average temps being slightly higher, percipitation doesnt get to the snow stage as the temps are too warm but cold enough to allow sleet to form then freeze on the surface, ice storm. The evidence by those much more quailified to say so than us monkeys here is out there all you have to do is look, but if you aint looking you wont see anything. and if you’ve already decided its not happening, well then I have a freiend selling some property in Florida, soon to be beachfront…getcha a good deal :wink:

Ric Golding said:
And Al Gore is still stupid.

2008 is the 10th consecutive year of no global warming and it is also the 6th consecutive year of global cooling.

I think I hear the new ice age knocking at the door.

If it was on the evening news then it must be true!

It took 30 seconds to find this: “Climatologists at the NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies (GISS) in New York City have found that 2007 tied with 1998 for Earth’s second warmest year in a century.” And I seem to recall it was 2005 that was the hottest year on record.

If the current cold snap has got people thinking about global cooling, I found this from Environment Canada: “The low temperatures were far from record-breaking but a real shocker after an unusually mild November and early December. In Alberta, temperatures were five degrees warmer than normal in November and soared above 10°C as late as December 6.”

And also this: “While news of this year’s ice loss in Arctic waters was not as stunning as last year, the trend to thinner and newer sea ice continued to surprise scientists around the world on many fronts.”

But I guess acredited climate scientists are nowhere near as well informed as the talking suits and hair-dos on the evening news.

Kevin, look at this chart


Here it is


It shows global temperatures over the last 100 years. You can see that there have definitely been whole decades where the global temperature goes down, but overall the temperature has risen and extremely fast. I don’t have a TV, I have no idea what’s on the TV news. But it’s hard to ignore the climate data over the last century. It’s not a question of “belief,” it’s a question of fact. The larger dispute is about why. I’ve concluded it’s because of the emission of greenhouse gasses since the industrial revolution. Some believe it’s simply a natural cycle


Your chart is very pretty.
However, what does it tell us?
Average temperatures have risen four tenths of one degree, from 1940 to the present.
Could it be caused by greenhouse gases? Sure, it is possible.
However, it is just as possible it is part of a natural cycle.
We know that the Earth has gone through extremely large temperature swings through out history.
After all, humans certainly didn’t cause the rising temperatures following the ice age.
I’d like to know what we did to cause the below normal temperatures from 1860 to 1940.
Your chart shows the temperatures were four tenths of one degree below normal during this period.


Thanks for the chart. That’s certainly proof that those 1857 Chevrolets were the first example of how proper government intervention into a runaway capitalistic industry could really make a difference. Notice how the chart reflects that great effort of early politicians. Look at the improvements by 1860. Yes, if only we had kept slavery, beat our wives daily and heeded those early warnings, I’m sure we could still be walking 8 miles barefoot to work, up hill, both ways, and none of this global warming would have happened. And lets not forget about the reliability of Wikipedia and how they have been proven to not have an agenda. If its stated on a computer screen, it must be true.