Large Scale Central

2006 4th annual batt/live steam open house

Sept 23th and 24th will be our 4rd anl. steamup for folks to share their engines with others and also battery power trains will be running.
Some folks start Fri evening the 22 and some come for one day.
Weather is usally good this time of year and we have lots of shade trees.

Heres some places to stay at:

Best Western 402-873-7000
Apple Inn 402-873-5959
Victoian Acres camp ground 402-873-6866

This is open to guess and sharing of our great hobby.
There will be a couple of dealers (small timers but good prices.)
There may be a trade and sell table if I have help.
The only no is ( please don’t bring any pets)
We live on a farm and have a DOG that loves kids but hates strange animals.

We will have pot luck dinners and out banquet is resevered for Sat night at the Embers Steak house fire side room.

Lots of snacks and shopping in town for the wives.

Carrie has scrap booking materials and lots of flowers.
For info
e-mail at [email protected]
Map Quest is wrong, use road K or N .

I’ve had e-mails about this so feel free to ask any questions.
We had about 90 folks from 9 states and 2 from Canada last year.

Remember, it all started with a bunch of LSC guys coming to visit.

Better get your room reserved, I understand there is a wedding in town that week and its taking up a lot of the hotel rooms.

Room has been reserved…

Ric Golding said:
Better get your room reserved, I understand there is a wedding in town that week and its taking up a lot of the hotel rooms.
a wedding???? WOW, Ric, does Jan know your getting married again???? hehehe

I figured it was one of Marty’s boys and we were all invited. I hope somebody tells Carrie.

Norm and Bernie and I are coming. I have three rooms reserved
At the Best Western. May let one go later on.

I’d like to come. Too early to make plans yet.

For those of you running in the OPS session on Sunday AM here is the tracl plan

You can print out and tape the papers together for planning the runs. I can e-mail a larger single photo if you want. This is pine striping tape on metal, it will be hung out so new folks can see.


Great image of the layout. I like how the upper loop fits in. It takes a bit of a look to find the other reverse loops, that’s cool.

Nothing like a dispatcher’s nightmare. :wink:

The one thing about the lower reverse loop , you can run either direction based on the direction of train traffic. Once your back on main 2 heading for Duncan your in the clear.

Doug Matheson and I have been kicking around some ideas to peruse, misuse, abuse and confuse. Just some ideas, but then again so was the first steam engine. That is an idea that was refined over 100 plus years.

Alas, Marty, you’ll have to do without me this year

For those who have not seen the Aristo craft live steam mike in action. Jerry Barns from Lexington NE plans to bring his and run it. If you have live steam, RC would be great (best) if its a shay of- course it can’t run away. hehehehe

For anyone wanting to go to Marty’s that weekend I have an extra reservation at the Best Western that I am going to turn back in. If anyone is interested please email me at [email protected] and let me know if you want the room and I will make the change. you will still need to call them with personal information, but maybe I can give them your name and that you will be calling.

Ok I didn’t get a response on the extra room so as of now there is one room open at the Best Western motel. Good Luck

also when folks get into your motels, ask for a “point of interest map”
I have some here plus tour guides for the wives.
They are free.
We are (on the map) 1 mile south of hwy 2 and busness 75 to K road,
turn east (left) go 1 mile to 66,
turn right onto gravel go 2.5 miles to ONLY green house and a train RR sign will be there.
66 now has a new sign which it did not last year.

Marty Cozad said:
also when folks get into your motels, ask for a "point of interest map" I have some here plus tour guides for the wives. They are free. We are (on the map) 1 mile south of hwy 2 and busness 75 to K road, turn east (left) go 1 mile to 66, turn right onto gravel go 2.5 miles to ONLY green house and a train RR sign will be there. 66 now has a new sign which it did not last year.
If the directions to your house include the words, "Turn off the paved road," you might be a red-neck. :D

I guess some people must think being called a redneck is not a compliment. We have lots of names for city folk.

I actually heard my X giving directions:

“You go down to where Cubas used to live and turn left…”

And, of course, the other person happened to know where Cubas used to live.

Steve Featherkile – a city boy??

ROTFLMAO!!! :lol:

Warren :smiley:

Ric Golding said:
Marty, I guess some people must think being called a redneck is not a compliment. We have lots of names for city folk.

I’ve got on my white socks, my neck is red, and I am drinkin’ Blue Ribbon Beer. I have lived so far off the paved road that just driving to my place added 10 lbs of dust to your pick-up. You do have a pick-up, don’t you? :smiley: