Large Scale Central

Amherst Railway Society Railroad Hobby Show

January 30 & 31, 2016 is coming real fast!

I will probable going Sat am just so I can bye all the G-scale things so Todd will have none!

The Eastern States Exposition Fairgrounds
1305 Memorial Avenue
West Springfield MA. 01089

All scale show. Several g-scale layouts / venders

Hope to some of you there.


I’ll probably be there

HEY ! Between you Dan and Larry I’m always left the scraps ! Still I’m looking forward to the show it is a good take.


I will get in Friday afternoon and beat you to them.

Al P.

I will be there with the NH Garden Railroad Society as scaled down layout will be there.

I’ll be with the NHGRS layout also - come by and say hi


Is the Connecticut group going to be there also?

Rockwall Canyon will be there (on the NHGRS), and I’m planning to have MBTA #1011 in action! Let’s see if you can still pick out your old RDC in the consists, Sean.

Sean yes from what I have seen the Connecticut group will be there as well.

Thinking we will be up on the Saturday for the show.
I really enjoyed the show when we went a few years ago, but it was way to crowded (great for the hobby, not so much when you are trying to look at stuff!)

I plan to come with my dad. Pro ably spend some time at the 7/8th scale layout. I brought my steamer year before last. I’ll also look in at the new Hampshire group.

Hi Troops,
The Central CT G Gaugers Modular Group will be there under the Mohegan-Pequot Model RR Club in area # 84 in the Young Bldg. Stop by and say hello to us. The G Scale and HO layouts are in the middle of the Young Bldg in areas #84 and #85.
A side note, the Mohegan-Pequot Model RR Club HO folk have been attending the Amherst show since the beginning when the show took up a small area in the Better Living Center, sure has changed over the years!!! G Scale was added when the Young Bldg was included which was mid 90s. As times and folk change, the Central CT G Gaugers Modular Group was added to the Mohegan-Pequot Club membership rolls and has been operating the G Scale layout with their modules for about ten years.
The Young Bldg years back was the animal building and for years the floor was nasty our modules and clothing had the farm hand odor after every show there! It wasn’t until the Mallary Complex was operational that the Young Bldg started to “clean up” so to speak!!!

Some animals smells are better than some of show attendees smells ! (

Sean, yes. And that also applies to a member of the one club I belong to. Phew!

Went to the bank to make a withdrawal for the show Saturday!

Should be a good time!

Ive had something come up and I wont be able to go Saturday, but am planning on Sunday

IT’S TRAIN SHOW TIME!!! Leave something for me Sean

This show is just way to crowded, great for the hobby… not so much for someone trying to find things they may want!

The show was very well attended today with lots of G at good prices and not so good. It is funny how one dealer has a car for say $50 and at another the same exact one is $75.

We arrived at 10 and the crowds grew to a ridiculous mob but after 1 they started to thin out which gave us some elbow room to see stuff and some amazing layouts in all scales.

There were some new vendors and clubs with modules but there were some missing as well like the guy with all the tools. I heard that he got sick and couldn’t do the show.

I bumped into a few forum members there like Eric Schade. I recognized his handy work in a cool 7/8 scratch built handcar that was making its way down the track and there was Eric close behind it. I also met Rockwall Canyon Jeff by recognizing the 3D printed MBTA F40.

It was really nice of Sean and Dan to leave me some items and I scored 2 brand new aristo 10’ wide switches and a never out of the box LGB coke car featuring the polar bear snowball fight that I have been eyeing for years but it was always too much money.

All in all it was a great show.

It was fun to meet Todd! I’ve enjoyed videos of his line and his Mik projects. It was fun for me at the 7/8th scale layout, lots of folks stopped by and it was right next to the WW&F booth so I knew a lot of Maine people.

My dad scored an O scale Bar Mills ye Olde gas station laser cut kit to keep him occupied during the dark days of winter. I got some Maine two footer books and some photos, plus some LGB German cars to go with my old live steam Frank S… Good fun!