Large Scale Central

Z scale on G scale

I was surprised how well the loco stuck on the flat car as it went around the G scale layout, I thought the loco would fly off, but no issues.

That Searails docksider with the cast brass shell would be the cat’s meow for these layouts.


OK WOW is what comes to mind when I saw the completion of the flat car. Your talents are amazing. You would have taken first place in the MIK car build a couple of years ago.

You now have me thinking about how I can incorporate a Z scale into my outdoor G scale layout. Some sort of outdoor “minature G scale layout” for one of the houses

This is adorable!!! <3

Gee I thought we weren’t supposed to use words like that around here…but…you know…you are right!

One of my seven eighth scale friends has an N scale layout on his flat car…7/8th scale maine cars are big!

Lol it is adorable and I am not too manly to say that word. Wonder what can be done with TT scale on a 7/8ths flat car.

No, you run the G scale flat car on a 1-1/2" flat car

No, you run the G scale flat car on a 1-1/2" flat car

Yeah that would be cool too