Large Scale Central

York, 2009

According to the ““Aristo Craft Insider”” for Nov-Dec 2008…

Instead of a SELSTS, and a MWLSTS, Mr Polk is going to have two “York” shows…

The one in March, 2009, and now one in October 22-24, 2009…

Stating the the “York” show has been profitable, he’s going to have them twice a year, testing it out in 2009…

Sounds like a good way to take the profit out of York to me. Spring is a definite at York, but October is a beautiful time of year to not have to go stand in a building all day. Dave Roberts of Kansas City is thinking he can make a go of Perry and Springfield. We’ll see. I know Perry in February wasn’t good for a lot of people, but it sure was fun for us over the last couple of years. Everything changes, no worries.

I’d rather be at Rics in November than York in Oct…

But Ric will probably go to both! :smiley:

Ric never shows up to his operating session, he hides in da basement…
