We arrived home about 6PM on Sunday. An attempted trip to the EBT on Sunday with Ric & Jan / Andy & Elaine was aborted about half way there from York when it started to pour and NOAA was reporting heavy rain as far West as Pittsburgh - so We left the Goldings and Clarke’s to head west and we turned around just before the Blue Mountain tunnel.
The vendor hall was much busier on Friday than Ken’s report would have you believe. Trainworld all but sold out, so much so they left early on Saturday. I tried to buy some Split Jaw clamps from Jerry and he was sold out before the show closed on Friday. Traffic in the layout hall was much better on Saturday. I gave away a lot of EBT literature and displayed Bob’s unfinished EBT boxcar.
We certainly missed the regulars (Fred, Gary, Bart, Bruce and those I forget) but it was great to meet some new faces. John Reilly is the life of a party and had us all in stitches several times with his great stories.
Fred, you will be disappointed to know that this crowd was not even able to consume one case of beer. Of course, I was talked into bringing that swill from Old Latrobe by my bride. There was no Honey Brown to be had in the suite. We had to leave the unfinished case for the hotel crew as there was no room in the vehicle to bring it with.
Ric’s van left York with the back tires bulging and the front wheels barely touching the ground. It seems like Andy just couldn’t keep it in his pants (his wallet, get your mind out of the gutter) and had many large purchases to pack along with the Timesaver and the new Inglenook module.
My Envoy was packed to the gills and I only bought 2 show locos, a couple of Delton hoppers and an Air Nailer. I tried to get John’s discount and Jerry (the Grex dealer) wasn’t too happy that John had told me of his special deal. I only got $25 off which is still available to any LSC member by mail.
Ric’s expanded Timesaver + Inglenook layout looked great. Give him a couple of years and he’ll fill the entire alcove with a point-to-point railroad in modules. One thing very different about Ric’s layout is that it is close to the ground. Children can see what is going on and it is the only layout in the hall where a child can take the control and run “the job”. By the smiles on their faces, and the amount of time they stuck with it, it’s easy to see that if introduced properly, children enjoy operations as much or more than roundy-round.
Bob Temper drew a crowd with his sculpy figure demonstration on both days. I think he has created at least a few dozen new figure makers, my son and wife included. Matthew sat with Bob all day on Saturday and came home with a completed figure that is significantly better in detail and accuracy than many that I have bought from Life-Like and Aristo.
We had a great time 
Film at 11