OK yea it was payday, and since the Electric bill is down I’m expecting a little bit leftover from the Paycheck…So I open the Paycheck…WHOO HOOO!!! Not only do I have extra…I managed a littlle more Overtime than I expected…adn got HOLIDAY PAY for Election Day!!!
So I pick up some lumber onthe way home to work on the layout, Feeling good about myself…so the JRVP (Age 11) wants to stop at the local Deptartment store (which is pretty much got nuttin these days…Walmart is puttingthe nails in its coffin) causethey have this one kind of candy she wants (how do they know these things?) an they NEVER have what I’m looking for…So I cut down a toy aisle…an WHAT DO I SEE??? A Titanium BATTLESTAR GALACTICA (not the ultra, but good nuff! Been searching fer one fer months!) Almost was ready to hit Ebay for this guy…So I’m doing the Happy Dance…and the daughter gets concerned cause she thinks I’m having a seizure…I snatch my prize from the shelf…and hanging behind it is the MARK II VIPER!!! ANother jewel I missd when theyfirst came out andI’m playing catchup on…More Happpy Dancing ensues…Specially when they are in the buy one get one half off section!!!
Earlier today I ha decided to treat myself to a copy of Star Trek: Encounters for PS2 …of course the LOCAL Best Buy is the only one that DOESN’T have it in stock…WalMArt, Circuit City, Toys R Us, Babbages…No Go…So on theway out the JRVP wants to point out a game or two she would like Santa to bring…and SUNUVAGUN there it is winking at me!!! Also on sale…My Happy Gland blew an O ring…
And I even have enough change to pick up a 6 packof Red Stripe on the way home…
So here I sit, having a cold one…getting pointers on PS2 gaming from the grandkids…Yep…Zooming the Mark II around after having performed “The Adama Manuver” (If ya gotta ask ya really don’t wanna know) a couple dozen times…and I just had to share my joy with my friends!
And ya thought this was gonna be a “I lost myjob, Dog died and caught my wife in bed with my best friend” thread didn;t ya??? (that was 2002…)