Large Scale Central

WTB Busted Big Haulers, pistons and driverods particularly

WTB Busted Big Haulers, pistons and driverods assembly in particular, needed for some Lil Big Haulers that are going to be kitbashed. As long as the pistons sliders and driverods are intact, I’m interested.

So here is a good opportunity to clear out your old busted Big Haulers taking up space. Let me know what you have, what you want for them, PS I’m looking for OLD Big Haulers, before they added valvegear. Thanks


I just repowered an “Annie.” See the thread here "Topic: Another Weekend, Another Fried Locomotive – Bachmann 4-6-0 " Here is a close-up of what I think you are looking for to determine if this is the right spare parts package:

Be advised, the whole thing is at my father-in-law’s awaiting his creative touch; it might be in pieces.

As for cost, shipping to Hawai’i won’t make it worth your while, I would think, but I am open to a trade (Rolling stock, structure bits, whatever.). Let me know!



I need both whole pistons, the sliders, and driverods that connects to the center wheel. I completely replace the pistons on the Lil Big Haulers and modify the driverods to fit.

Too easy. If my father-in-law hasn’t committed them to a project, it sounds like I could remove them from the frame, put them in a zip-lock, and place the all with some packing in a flat rate box.

I’ll write the in-laws tonight to make sure the parts are still available.



I can get all the parts back, with the exception of the motor. Once I have them in hand, I’ll photograph everything, send you the pictures via a private message, and let you decide if it is really what you want. Would an exchange of one flat rate box of train stuff for the same flat rate box of train stuff be OK? We can work out details privately once you have examined the photos.



That’s fine with me, I don’t need the motor just what I mentioned thanks

Let me look, Vic. What I have went under at Superstorm Sandy and is corroded from the briny water. I will take some pix to see if you can use it.

Thanks Lou. hopefully plastic parts are immune from the “Law of the Briny Deep”

You should get his “perfect girlfriend” and “perfect boyfriend” ones, they are hilarious.


Any word on those old parts guys?

Greg did you mean these?

Vic, parts are on hand. Sending the photos via PM in a moment…

Yep Vic, exactly those, they are a hoot…
