I had one of these as a kid, but not sure where it got off to. Still need at least a second bridge for my planned layout. Will entertain offers of similar 12-15” bridges.
This is not my listing but here is what you ask for. https://www.ebay.com/itm/Bachmann-96229-Big-Haulers-Wood-A-Frame-Bridge-Used-in-original-Box/113814863067?hash=item1a7fe4fcdb:g:AxcAAOSw3jZdJ7wx
If you are intersted in either of these:
I have an Aristo plastic, covered bridge, used for $20 + shipping
The Aristo wooden truss bridge kit for $100 + shipping.
If anybody else has these items for less you should feel free to chime in and help a brother out.
thanks for the ebay link. Totally spaced that option. As for the other two you have, I am not sure those will work with what I’m aiming for aesthetic (1st) or price (2nd).
Thanks, though!
Bill, I have a Bachmann plastic bridge that you are looking for. I also have the set of trestle bents for it… Let me know if interested…