Large Scale Central

WOW, that is wet

The Fraser Valley around Chilliwack received 350mm of rain!

Hans-Joerg Mueller said:
The Fraser Valley around Chilliwack received 350mm of rain!
Is there any truth to the rumour that B.C. is about to be renamed Atlantis?
Hans-Joerg Mueller said:
The Fraser Valley around Chilliwack received 350mm of rain!
350MM, how much is that in Inches?

Divide by 25.4

Thanks Tony, WoW thats a lota rain!!!

Geez, HJ. I’m in deep trouble…or at least deep water. It’s down hill all the way from there to here…:frowning: :confused:

Tonight’s news is saying flood watch for Okanagan.

Why do I have this feeling that it isn’t going to quit raining until about next May…:frowning: Our rainy season is rapidly turning into a monsoon season…:confused:


Maybe it will be a good ski year! One can hope.


…Water skiing is going to be the growth industry this year…

Fred Mills said:
.....Water skiing is going to be the growth industry this year.....
But in January?....I'll pass. :(


A week or so ago, Coloroado got hammered with snow. 2+ feet in Idaho Springs, and the surrounding area. I’m headed to Vail for the company Christmas party at the beginning of Dec, so I hope it keeps up!

Bob, you can have the snow here too. Just got up and went to fix my morning cup of coffee and looked out the kitchen window…Ahhhhhhhhhhh! IT’S SNOWING…AGAIN!


Warren Mumpower said:



YES! Keep it coming! :smiley:

My last Sunday (Full moon) nude Sundance is working well here, in Canada’s Capitol. NO SNOW, and mild temperatures. And we all are very happy.

I was able to go out today and pump down the pond, take the pump out, blow out the plumbing, and generally finish off the winter preperations.

The weather people are forcasting a mild winter, so we may not get much snow. The good thing is we don’t have to shovel rain.

I’m now enjoying a well earned Samuel Smith’s Imperal Stout, and I intend to have several more.


I’ve just finished a cup of ginger tea with garlic. Supposed to get rid of “whatever” ails me. :slight_smile:

That was why I am enjoying Stout. It is supposed to be a cure-all also.

  The next step is Sheep Dip, which cures everything; even the common cold !!
Hans-Joerg Mueller said:

I’ve just finished a cup of ginger tea with garlic. Supposed to get rid of “whatever” ails me. :slight_smile:

Well, you won’t have vampire “whatevers”.
I wonder if Fred’s full moon dance had anything to do with the recent reports of werewolves in west Ottawa.


Hmmmmm werewolves??? What were they before they were wolves? :wink: :slight_smile: Couldn’t resist, wonder if our “resident linguist” needs an explanation on that one?

HJ, fortunately the snow isn’t sticking around here. It turned to rain later. But I will gladly ship you all the snow you want if we get some that stays around…:smiley:


Funny to go back to this thread, with it snowing like mad here in April…will it ever stop, or is this just another way to make us all move to Greenland. I hear that Greenland and even little Iceland are warmer and more Spring-like, than even Lower Joisey…home of The Vogels. Ottawa seems to be the centre of a giant low, that is held over OTTAWA by a cable attached to one of the bridges accross the Ottawa River. If we cut the cable, we drown as the bridge falls intothe river. If we don’t; we get drowned or suffocated with snow or water…no win no win…

Fred, Run Harper out of town, the weather will improve!