Large Scale Central

WOW cost of brass track!

I visited Charles Ro Supply today in Malden, MA and purchased a total of about 45’ of brass track and two manual aristocraft switches. The bill was a whopping $360+! I considered used on ebay, but people are getting top dollar for stuff that is worn.

Tell me about it… $75 for wide radius switches on ebay now…and I need 11 more!!!

It is expensive and getting more so. Most of my track is preowned but even that is going up and up when you do an Ebay search. Sometimes you can get good deals on Ebay for lightly used track but sometimes it can be very worn. you just have to keep an eye out. Watch here on the forum for deals. Go to train shows. If you start your RR small like I did so you can get something running then when you find some extra track at a good price you can add on and expand. Real RR’s started out with one line then as business grew so did their trackage and towns they served.
Depending on how you plan to run your trains, track power vs battery or live steam maybe you could do some research on other track alternatives. I’m sure others will jump in here and let you know about them.
Charles Ro is a great store. That Big boy on display is something else.
Happy RRing

Don’t whine!

Try buying Stainless Steel track!



I also live on the Cape! W. Yarmouth. That is where I am putting together my layout.

Hi John,
I am also on Cape Cod, Chatham.
I try to use only USED LGB Track but everything is going out of sight price wise. I would say that it is just the sign of the times.

Glad I bought a boat load of LGB track back when it was as cheap as $3 a foot, that was back before the whole deal went KaBoom!

I was able to put together my current layout (with 16 turnouts no less) out of in-stock materials! I’d be hard pressed to start today, not at these prices, for me it would take months to accumulate enough track for even a small layout, years for a yard sized layout.

Lets see, I spent $ 180.00 + for one (1) 3 way turnout in Al rail. and that was a couple of years ago.


My NS track is still for sale at about $2 a foot.

Got priced out of the Large Scale market several months ago!! Now I am just making do with what I have, elaborating on what I have, and building on the cheap where I can!! unfortunately once the majority of people get priced out, and as they get priced out prices will rise even more due to less sales, and we all have to make do with what we have, and not buy anything new. Regal

I have all the track that I’m ever going to get, and I’m using some of that to build turnouts. I’m even thinking about trying to thin the herd, but nobody’s buying. I don’t just want to give it away, either.

Prices went up, but my income didn’t. Sigh.

Greg Elmassian said:
Don't whine!

Try buying Stainless Steel track!



Stainless? Ha. Brass? Triple Ha.

Try buying Llagas Creek Nickle Silver. Now that is an ouch to the max. Also a lot harder to find.

Stainless steel??? that’s for gazzillionaires!!! LOL Regal

Been trying to get an offer on a box of 10ft diameter for weeks here in the classifieds. I’m sure you could buy this for less than new with shipping, and it is new!!! Oh boy!! Regal

Here in not very merry olde England we pay at least double what you guys do - try $300 for a #6 switch from Aristocraft.


Thats why I have not made my RR any bigger. I have plans for a second smaller loop but with track prices it might never happen. I might put the roadbed in and little by little buy a 2-3 ft section at a time. Time will tell.

Before the major price hikes, I bought 4 boxes of stainless 5 footers (240 ft) from Aristocraft for about $650.00 I think that was the second year that Lewis had the stainless track out.

I just looked. To buy that now, I’d need to sell my first born, and mortgage the boat, if I still had a boat!

Aluminum track?

John Bouck said:
Aluminum track?
Yeah, had to go to that, 'cause I couldn't afford the other stuff. Best decision I ever made.

It’s fine if you don’t step on it. :slight_smile: :slight_smile:
It moves (expands & contracts) more than any other track metal,
But works great for Batt/RC layouts.
If my layout was built up on benches like Richard of Port Orford, it would be aluminum tracked.

Heck I have a hole bunch of use but like new LGB track, way under priced and can’t get rid of it.