Large Scale Central

Work continues on the L

Thanks Doug. That is some trestle.
That is some wind. We don’t get winds like that much. During storms sometimes

Forrest, I like rule #8.
I have a track in my back yard it’s a bit larger than the one inside.
It’s about 300 ft or so, but I don’t run on it in the winter.
The train I run outside is too big to run on my inside track.
I have to put down new ballast this year.
Well now that I finished the remodel of the laundry room and the bath room I can work on my train.

I just finished my first building front ever.
I made it out of Popsicle sticks and a scrap board for the roof and blue sheet of paper.
When it is all dry I will post a picture.
Now this is suppose to look slap-shod, like something made out of scraps of lumber.
I heard that some people made houses out of sheets of bark back in the 1800’s in the logging areas.
I will post the pic soon.

Well here is my Popsicle stick building front. I guess I should have chased the squatter away before I took the picture. I guess it is to scale. He’s a rough looking character, I think I’ll let him move in if he wants to . I’ll just build another house.


I just finished the feed mill tonight.
I made a floor to place the building front of the Feed mill on.
I will take some pictures when I finish.
I couln’t get on with my Mac. But my good old laptop got on.

Are you fighting with the Mac? Play nice! If you have a question drop me a note.

What did you use for a floor? I’m using that fake wood nowadays but haven’t found a glue yet I really like.

Using the Mac is always a fight.
It seems to be running real sloooow.
For the floor I used 5/8 ply wood. scrap.
The floor is to set the buildings on.
The floor of the mill is popsicle sticks cut and glued to a sheet of 1/4" plywood.

The glue I found works really well is Titebond II premium Wood Glue which is Weatherproof.
Clamp for 30 minutes. Don’t stress joints for 24 hrs.
Resists solvents, heat & mildew water clean-up & nontoxic. They claim it is ideal for radio-frequency RF gluing sys.

I guess I’m not to good at making buildings.
You guys do wonderful work, Your buildings are superb .
My stuff looks like junk. It’s the best I can do for now, maybe I’ll get better the more I work at it.

Which Mac are you using?

It used to be that you could “clean up” your Mac. Everytime you delete something it leaves an open spot on the hard drive. When you ran this function it would sort everything and fill those places with other files. This would give you a lot more space on the hard drive which would speed up the computer. I really liked that function but haven’t found it on my Mac Mini or iPad. Maybe it is now an automatic function.

Nothing wrong with your buildings.
Lots of us use the Popsicle sticks.

Here is my new feed mill. Sam’s Feed Mill This is a pic before I painted up under the roof on the dock. I also painted the railing, dock front and sides and the end of the square grain pipe. This was all painted green. The roof is slate gray. I did not however paint the dock decking. I I also cut some plywood for between the track and the wall in the corner where the building front will set. It can be seen under the track. I will get a picture as soon as I give it a more permeant place.


Doug Arnold said:
Are you fighting with the Mac? Play nice! If you have a question drop me a note.

What did you use for a floor? I’m using that fake wood nowadays but haven’t found a glue yet I really like.

Yes I always fight with the Mac.
I don’t know why I still use it.
I have some pictures on my desk top. I wanted to put them into folders but they won’t move. They only make short cuts.
I want to move the file, not make a short cut to it.:frowning:
Oh I forgot I use an IMAC OS 10 v10.5.8

You should be able to just click on the file once and while holding down the mouse key just drag it to the file you want them in. Don’t release the mouse key until the file where you are headed for changes color (usually gray). It’s no biggie if you miss the correct file. (which I have done.) You can hold down the mouse key and drag it to the file you want.

It could also be that the file is “locked;” You can just click on the file and then cruise the menus (I think it’s in edit.) and drag down to unlock to unlock the file. Then go ahead and drag it over, Let me know if it works.

Doug Arnold said:
You should be able to just click on the file once and while holding down the mouse key just drag it to the file you want them in. Don't release the mouse key until the file where you are headed for changes color (usually gray). It's no biggie if you miss the correct file. (which I have done.) You can hold down the mouse key and drag it to the file you want.

It could also be that the file is “locked;” You can just click on the file and then cruise the menus (I think it’s in edit.) and drag down to unlock to unlock the file. Then go ahead and drag it over, Let me know if it works.

Tried that didn’t work. I do that then drag it to folder I want it in it eigther makes a shortcut to there or goes back.
Give you Mac a smack. My new motto.

Another way to do things would be to click on the file (don’t open it) and do a save as. Change the name of the file and save it to the file you want. There could be a file there that’s the same as the one you are trying to save,

I once knew a computer tech that liked the “smack method!”

I did that and I didn’t get anything that says saveAs.
Nothing to let me save the file where I want it.It lists some others like copy , compress, move to trash.
Yea there’s a good on. once it gets in the trash I can’t get it out, just erase. :frowning:

Up until about System 9 it was there!

Next question. Is that photo file a Mac file or a PC file? What program is it and what format are the pictures in?

The pic was a jpg loaded from my camera to the Mac.
I later loaded it on my laptop.
I found if I view the picture I can save As, as a preview but not by clicking on it.

It works much easier with my HP laptop. Just slip the card in, window opens. Select what I want and wham! There it is.
No problem.

I’m using an IMAC 20"
I was looking for defragment the hard drive but I couldn’t find anything.
I use to set up my PC to scandisk and defrag at night after I was done using them, but I can’t find that function on this mac. I guess it’s that Linux base.

I forgot you wanted to know what I used for the floor.
I built up birch sides and deck then glued Popsicle sticks that I trimmed the round part off on to the birch to simulate a plank floor.
I can take a pic of it if you want to see it.

Doug Arnold said:
Which Mac are you using?

It used to be that you could “clean up” your Mac. Everytime you delete something it leaves an open spot on the hard drive. When you ran this function it would sort everything and fill those places with other files. This would give you a lot more space on the hard drive which would speed up the computer. I really liked that function but haven’t found it on my Mac Mini or iPad. Maybe it is now an automatic function.