Large Scale Central

Wood Working-Back in the shop

John Passaro said:

Rooster ’ said:

Very nice ! That would make any farrier proud to display !

Who do you think you are, calling this man’s sister a farrier ?

Well perhaps she might be a borderline farrier but at least she has a beautiful “tool box” with a pick!

Great looking pick … It looks like it will due the job splendidly … Have her take a pic of it @ the barn before she uses and then a couple of months later …I’m wondering how it will look after all the diff … elements have made contact … I like mine with the brush …to clean the hoof a little better for inspection … Very nice Buddy …

Sean McGillicuddy said:

Great looking pick … It looks like it will due the job splendidly … Have her take a pic of it @ the barn before she uses and then a couple of months later …I’m wondering how it will look after all the diff … elements have made contact … I like mine with the brush …to clean the hoof a little better for inspection … Very nice Buddy …

I am hoping with proper use it takes on a well aged/used patina. I made it pretty but I’ll be offended if it isn’t put to hard work. I just need to sharpen it a little on the end, not sharp really but more flat. I wanted to put a brush on it and even tried to figure out how. I thought about drilling the end and epoxying in some bristles.

I have a brass one that folds up to put in a pocket/bag in case they pickup a rock on the trail … Flat yes… no points…( Very nice…

Not sharpen, flatten. thats a better word for it.

Whack with a polished face hammer and mushroom the end, put a slight curve between the corner points.

Gee how did you get this far without us?

said John feeling bemused by my audacity.

It really is amazing John that I can accomplish anything. . .anything at all without the crap guidance you all offer.

Devon, I for one am impressed with your skills.

I am also impressed that you can accomplish anything with your reoccurring heath issues.

So don’t let the peanut gallery get to you.

Thanks David. Its all in good fun

David Maynard said:

Devon, I for one am impressed with your skills.

I am also impressed that you can accomplish anything with your reoccurring heath issues.

So don’t let the peanut gallery get to you.

David, I was feeling sheepish for telling a Master Craftsman how to do something…

so I said:

“said John feeling bemused by my audacity.”

It would be like me telling you how to make a passenger car.

Yours are beautiful, there is nothing for me to say…

Devon knows me.

John Caughey said:

David Maynard said:

Devon, I for one am impressed with your skills.

I am also impressed that you can accomplish anything with your reoccurring heath issues.

So don’t let the peanut gallery get to you.

David, I was feeling sheepish for telling a Master Craftsman how to do something…

so I said:

“said John feeling bemused by my audacity.”

It would be like me telling you how to make a passenger car.

Yours are beautiful, there is nothing for me to say…

Devon knows me.

Well there is some serious doo doo flying around in this room. I am flattered, but its doo doo. I am no “Master Craftsman” and I wouldn’t say my skills are all that “impressive”. Now I will say that when I put my mind to things I can do some decent work. But there are far more talented craftsman than me. But thank you for the kind words.

John Caughey said:

David Maynard said:

Devon, I for one am impressed with your skills.

I am also impressed that you can accomplish anything with your reoccurring heath issues.

So don’t let the peanut gallery get to you.

David, I was feeling sheepish for telling a Master Craftsman how to do something…

so I said:

“said John feeling bemused by my audacity.”

It would be like me telling you how to make a passenger car.

Yours are beautiful, there is nothing for me to say…

Devon knows me.

Its all good as this is LSC !

Here is the present I made for my son’s girlfriend. Everything is hand made. I hand dipped the candles in Bees Wax, The wood I cut an turned, and the eaves are copper that I hammered and flame painted with a torch.

Very nice!


I felt it need something more. So I added a copper rose and a copper dragonfly.


You are quite the artist. (

Joe Zullo said:


You are quite the artist. (

How true! Wonderful work!

Joe Zullo said:


You are quite the artist. (


Thanks for that. That actually means quite a lot to me. I have always had this inner artist in me wanting to come out. But I have never really tapped into it other than in my modeling and in my wood working. But I am starting to let the beast out to roam. I am never quite sure if people are as impressed with my stuff as I am ( Its nice to have people appreciate it. At this time it is all for people around me. But at some point I’d like to begin to sell some stuff and maybe be work into a nice little retirement sideline. Especially with my health not cooperating that maybe sooner than later.

I have to kinda laugh at myself. One of the “issues” I am having to overcome is the macho man inside me. As I am exploring this artistic side I sometimes feel that some of the stuff I make is a big girly or feminine. Now I know thats dumb. But I come up in an area where men were men and women cooked dinner. Now not in my house but in our community. In my house I was encouraged to do all sorts of the “girl” work. I learned to sew, cook, and just about anything else you can think of. My mom is a creative person and encouraged it in me. But on the outside of our walls I was expected to be a man, whatever that means. So I have more or less suppressed the artistic side of me in favor of getting dirty. I say all of this because it really is nice to have the encouragement that I am doing what I enjoy and others enjoy it also.