Large Scale Central

Willamette Steam Donkey

I have to say one of the best compliments a person could ever receive is to see someone take something you had a hand in producing and seeing what wonders they can create with it. A club member Dennis Thompson has been the technical advisor on Mike’s and my logging donkey creations. He has extensive knowledge and research into these machines and their uses. So he has helped me greatly in understanding them, allowing us to make the best models we can. Anyway he took one of the first Willamette Steam donkey kits Mike produced and went to work on it. I asked him if I could share his results. A very very cool model.


Dennis has some other wonderful models as well, such as a steam driven pile driver.
He’s a tough act to follow, but I enjoy sharing my builds with him as well.

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Very cool model indeed, Devon. Hats off to the designer :smiley:

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