Large Scale Central

Wichita Area Garden Railway Tour Sept 20 10am-5pm

This is the 17th year for the Wichita Area Garden Railway Society Garden tour in Wichita, KS. It is on Saturday, September 20th from 10am - 5pm.
It is free and tour guides can be picked up at Wichita area garden centers, hardware stores, hobby shops and Botanica the Wichita Gardens.
Donations are welcome to help support WAGRS’ community projects and the garden train at Botanica.
I will posting a link to the tour guide later today!
Herb Reeves President, Wichita Area Garden Railway Society.

Tour Guide

To bad you guys can’t use the phrase ( You’re not in Kansas anymore) :frowning:
I hope someone will post some pics!

Let us know how it went. I stopped in Wichita after the KC Garden Rwy Convention to meet a cousin and his family and his mother – my Aunt.

Would enjoy seeing some mid-west garden RR. Any chance of you being open before/after the Tulsa convention??

Updated with Tour Guide