Large Scale Central

Why not join in for a morning chat ?

Yes…TRY IT…you might enjoy it…ask others to join you…share thoughts on our great hobby of “RAILROADING”…Start your day with a chat with friends, and fellow RAILROADERS…while enjoying your morning cup of “Car”…coffee/tea, or even warm milk.

Bob provides the “Chat Room” free of charge…jump in the air is safe…no masks needed in Bob’s LSC Chat room…heck you can even have a beer if it appeals to you, at the start of your day…

Try dropping in around 08:00 EST…or any time you care to…bring a friend, or two…even three or more…same price…!!

I joined, but no one was there.


I was here at about 8:15…and I try to be here every morning…but if no-one shows up after 15 minutes, I leave and try to return the next morning…Let others know you will be here, and they might drop in too…

Fred Mills. said:

I was here at about 8:15…and I try to be here every morning…but if no-one shows up after 15 minutes, I leave and try to return the next morning…Let others know you will be here, and they might drop in too…

So Fred, what time would that be in Texas, if it’s 8:15am your time?


…I think that the time zones are not too far apart if not right on…Google it and find out. I am running late this morning, but I have dropped in at the chat room…

I looked it up, and if I have read it correctly…the Province of Ontario, is in the Eastern time zone, and ahead of the State of Texas, in the Central time zone by one hour.

So I guess I should suggest getting myself on to the Chat at 09:00 EST, so you guys in Texas can leisurely drop in at 08:00 CST…The coffee or tea won’t care as long as you/I keep it hot !!


Fred Mills. said:

I looked it up, and if I have read it correctly…the Province of Ontario, is in the Eastern time zone, and ahead of the State of Texas, in the Central time zone by one hour.

So I guess I should suggest getting myself on to the Chat at 09:00 EST, so you guys in Texas can leisurely drop in at 08:00 CST…The coffee or tea won’t care as long as you/I keep it hot !!


Thanks, I’d do that, I always enjoy talking with other on railroading and I might just learn something, I always need all the help I can get.


John Lenheiser said:

I joined, but no one was there.


Like you John we done it many, many times and no one there… Maybe do to we also have Animals to feed in the morning and never able to get on until around 9Am. “West coast time.” So kind of gave up on the chat.

Too many people think that one person in New York has to be the one to run the chat, while in reality the chat room is open all the time, and no-matter where you are, you can have a chat with somebody, even if they are in the same state or province you are in. All you have to do is contact people in your part of the country, and arrange to be in the chatroom when it is convenient for you.

Noel…you could arrange to be in the chat room at the same time as other LS railroaders in Oregon, or Washington…or even Vancouver or Alberta…while anyone in the East can drop in too if they happen to be free when you guys are there.

It’s not all about people in the East setting the time to chat…USE THE CHATROOM ANY TIME THAT SUITS YOUR LOCATION best…Just let others know you will be there, and they will join in…TRY IT…you might like it…

The whole idea is to COMMUNICATE, and share our great hobby…

It costs NOTHING to use the LSC CHAT ROOM…what else is that inexpensive, in this day and age. THERE ARE NO LONG DISTANCE CHARGES, even if someone from France or Ireland drops by . You might even learn something, or make a new friend or three…

If I know for certain that some of you guys are chatting at some time in the day convenient to you. Being retired; I can make a point of dropping in…Heck…some times I’m awake at 03:00 here in Ottawa…and other times I may be awake at 11:00…

Learn a bit about time zones…they were a bit of a problem for Passenger trains crossing North America too…!!!


I would love to join a chat but… I know of nobody who is in my timezone and on LSC

At this point in time it is 1530 where I am (Australia) and 0030 Monday 09 Nov in Ottawa so a time difference of 15 hours. It’s one of the disadvantages/challenges of living on the leading edge of the planet that I must face. (

If I wished to chat with someone in Hawaii I may have a better chance as it is 1930 Sunday night, so I may take up your suggestion and contact a person whose build I have been following in Hawaii to see if it is convenient for him.

Thanks for the idea

As Fred said, not all may be able to chat at the time that was originally setup to start the chat. There maybe some that 1:00pm is a better time and others it maybe 9:00pm would be a better time, it would just depend on what works for you. I would suggest that you post a time in the General Discussion Forum, or go on the chat and discuss it there on what time you would like to start your chat and see if any join in at that time. After being on other railroad forum and some have chat sessions they are usually only 4-5 people on then and that’s on a good day, since I’m new to this forum I have no idea where it will go, but I hope it works out well, lets give Fred credit for promoting the hobby and it’s another way to learn from other who are in the know. Start with Fred’s time and work from there, if it works it will progress from there.


Sorry I missed you, John…

If 00:30 is a good time to say hello to someone in Australia, I can be on the chat then. I might even be given the privilege of that person’s real name…!! I’ll try to be there tonight/early tomorrow…If your friend from Hawaii is available, it would be great to meet him/her too.
