Large Scale Central

Who's headed to Marty's?

I know Andy C. and Warren are going. We are going tp drag along Skip, but he will probably never find this site, so who else is going?

Tom Ruby is suppose to show. When Tom?

Andy C., Skip MacEwen and I are headed out early Friday AM with our wives, will arrive Friday afternoon if the Lord is willing and the crick don’t get to high. Picking up a lot of other GGRC members along the way.

Warren when and how are you arriving? Is this another fine Amtrak trundle?

I’m leaving Wednesday morning bright and squirrelly :smiley: Should be their Friday afternoon. Don’t want to miss the gathering at the Depot…:slight_smile: I’ll be driving this year. No Greyhound for me. Last year’s trip almost killed me…:frowning: I may try Amtrak next year if the drive proves to be too hard on my poor decrepit ancient body…or too expensive. I’m also bringing a bunch of stuff to sell.

See ya at the dinner table Friday evening, Ric…:smiley:

I am leaving here Thursday after school. Ryan and I will be there early Friday to help Marty with any last minute issues.

I have a van load of stuff to sell or trade.


I’m out of here in the morning! See ya in a week!

Well C R A P happens!

I am stuck bailing my daughter out of a massive electrical bill or she gets cut off. There goes the money for the trip to Marty’s this weekend…

Hope you guys take plenty of pics.


Andre’ you are a good Dad. I hope I’m not the only one that tells you that. Meaning - I hope she realises what you are doing for her and doesn’t just expect it.

Underway at 0600 on Friday, talk you guys after the weekend.

Here’s our own Warren M. contemplating his sins, or something.

Warren is the guy in the Farmer Johns. Photo stolen from Marty.

We had a ball with lots of laughs and the running of trains. Got to see good friends and run trains in great weather. What fun. There are lots of pictures posted at the other site, so repetition seems worthless. I’ll dig through what I took and see what’s worth posting. If any thoughts of joining us, next year it will be on September 27 and 28, 2008. Mark your calendars.

Gee how bout those of us who missed out on the fun, and fer one reason or another can’t go to other sites? No such thing as too much repetition :wink:

Bart Salmons said:
Gee how bout those of us who missed out on the fun, and fer one reason or another can't go to other sites? No such thing as too much repetition ;)
Me scentimints 'zacktly

I’m back but I have yet to download my camera. I’ll post what I have when that’s done…probably before the day is out.

That pic must have been Friday afternoon as I’m still in my driving clothes. I wore regular pants the rest of the weekend…:confused:

Speaking of that pic Steve posted, that’s our Norm in the striped shirt on the far left. The seated gentleman is John Schneider from “Just Plain Folk”. They have a new product line coming out later this year. The people are more “to scale”. They will be available through LGBoA.

We all missed you at Marty’s Andre. Hopefully we will see you there next year.

More to what scale ? Many of them are too tall for 1/24 now !

1:20.3 They were too chunky for that even before. The new figures are better detailed and thinner.