Large Scale Central

Who's going to the Greenbergs Train Show Mar 3 and 4 in Middleto

The hudson Valley Large Scale Club will be there with our Big 25 by 75ft Display. Come on out and have some fun it’s a great show
and plenty big. Ive sent out a few invites to a couple of Forum members here that I know live close by, It would be good to meet a few of you
and put a face with a name.
If anyone wishs to run , contact me ahead of time and i will get some pass’s for you.


Greenbergs Train Show
March 3rd and 4th
10am to 4 pm
Orange County Fair Arena
100 Carpenter Ave, Middletown, NY 10940

Ill be their prob the 4th. Middletown is 35 minutes away. We are up that way often. Thats the close mall for me. Ill give you call sometime this week. I ment to do it the other day and got tied up.

Your a half hour closer than I am…:slight_smile:

I was just at that show down in York with Dave Marconi …honestly it was a big disappointment this year…ZERO large scale…however there was another show in another building “Cabin Fever”…that was AWESOME!!

David Russell said:
I was just at that show down in York with Dave Marconi …honestly it was a big disappointment this year…ZERO large scale…however there was another show in another building “Cabin Fever”…that was AWESOME!!

AAAAAAAAAAAA Heres a little taste of what you will see in Middletown. You and Dave should hook up with Shawn and take a ride up for the day, Always a great show and not just because I’m there…:slight_smile:


Also I wish I could figure our how to display youtube videos instead of just a link. ?


Here the URL has to have the www
Just hit quote on my message and you’ll see how it’s done. Faster than me telling you :wink:


Ralph Berg said:

Here the URL has to have the www
Just hit quote on my message and you’ll see how it’s done. Faster than me telling you :wink:

Thanks Ralph,

I think I got it…



I’d of fixed it for you Nick, but the link is bad.
To embed: [youtube]url[/youtube]


Ralph Berg said:

Here ya go Nick :wink:


Thank You Ralph, I will get it one of these days. :slight_smile:

5 days to go boys, I’m so lookin forward to getting some play time in at this show.
My only delema is i havent figured out what to run yet? 70 car modern mixed freight? 70 car steam freight ? GG-1 and 20 Passenger cars.
what do yaaa think? See some of you at the show…:slight_smile:

I’m like from the old days… Good old Hudson with Hwt. pass running slow to sound off the chugs and watch the little one do oohs and aahs as they go by… Just a suggestion to bring along to the show…Love the NYC in its hey days…


Get lot of videos.

Steam Nick. Ill bring my little project engine with me.

I had been considering making the trip over, but I still haven’t recovered from 7 states in 2 days two weekends ago. I hope you get a good crowd and have fun!

Jon Radder said:
I had been considering making the trip over, but I still haven't recovered from 7 states in 2 days two weekends ago. I hope you get a good crowd and have fun!
Well if you can make it we'd be happy to have you. :)

Were loaded up and headed out, See Ya’s there…:slight_smile:

I made it to the show today. Nick did a great job with the layout. I was able to run my live steam forney and project engine. Its 5too bad I didnt get to stay as long as I would like to have. The wife was getting borded and the little guy was tired (thats what happens when you wake up at 445 in the morning. Thanks Nick for letting me run and a pleasure to finally meet you.