Large Scale Central

Whoa! This ain't HO any more!

Hey Y’all; Last night fabricated a gauge for pole rake and cross span height template for the trolley shelf. Used 1/8 inch grey cardboard from Hobby Lobby’s mat board department. Yeowie, that thing is huge! HO clearance gauge set in place for comparison. My template is 12in wide, 18in tall. Shows tie location on roadbed, pole rake; cross span height with catenary hangers offset 9in either side of centerline; and attachment points for catenary sway braces. For those who might not have needed the info since they do trolley poles, catenary for pantographs weaves back and forth a bit to even out wear on pantograph contact shoe.

I can understand the “Holy cow this stuff is ginormous!” thing. The freight transfer that I’m just finishing up is HUGE (4x2 feet, appx) but in real life, it’s only a 40x70 building, about twice the size of my house, and I have a small house.