Large Scale Central

Who ate Aristo-Craft's web server?

Lewis said something about a DOS attack last week, but their server has been out all week.

Tom, I’m able to log on today, was on yesterday and the day before.

Perhaps you are not holding your jaw right.


I have not noticed any lapses.


All’s I get is Page cannot be displayed. Odd.

Works fine for me.

Tom Ruby said:
All's I get is Page cannot be displayed. Odd.
Geez Tom, the forum may go under without all your postings ;). Someone the GR forum posted a similar problem but my links worked for him -


I’ll have to ask our network guy.


Did you IT squared away??

He rebooted our sonicwall gateway and everything’s happy. Now he’s trying to figure out why all the other internet sites were working all week :smiley:

Tom Ruby said:
He rebooted our sonicwall gateway and everything's happy. Now he's trying to figure out why all the other internet sites were working all week :D
Tom, were you nice to the man and told him that Aristo has some "special features"? Could narrow down the search. :P :P :D

Nope. Keep him busy with the sonic wall. Keeps him out of my hair.