Whatever happened to the sane idea of a locomotive in Large Scale, with a great empty tender, or carbody; where anyone that wanted some sort of better system than track power, could simply install whatever, he/she/it, wanted ?
It seems like the tenders and locos get larger, but the space gets filled with crap we don’t need…
It seems the hobby is finding new people that only want to take everything out of the box and blindly run it around in circles.
What in hell is happening to the old fashioned hobbiest, that actually could do research on his own (Today with the help of Google), or the ones that at one time had some clue as to what electricity, or any sort of engineering skills are.
Are we finding in the World today, a new breed of Twits, with no skills of any sort, except talking on “Silly Phones”, and aiming giant polution producing vehicles down 8 lane death paths, with noise ringing in everyone’s ears ?
Is there any hope finding a couple in the World today, that could reproduce and pass on any single iota of that long forgotten asset....COMMON SENSE ?
Just thought I might be allowed to ask this relatively simple question…