Large Scale Central

What do you call the battry electrical connectors?

Not sure this is the best place to put in the Forums, but couldn’t find one that I felt was better.

The small 2 plug black electrical connectors with the red and black wires, that have become come common on the 14.8 volt Lithium Ion Batteries. What are they called? And does someone have a source for buying in bulk?

The first I saw of these were on early Aristo Craft engines, sticking out of the shell down by the couplers. They have now become the accepted large scale connector. for batteries to the system.

Thank you in advance for any help with this.

There’s a few different kinds…

This type are called “JST connectors”

These are SM-2 connectors

And then there’s the Tamiya connectors (white) or Dean’s (red)

I’m pretty sure Ric is referring to the SM-2’s you show above. I buy them in bulk from All Electronics, but they are color coded opposite of the batteries from MTO & Cordless Renovations. If you have good eyesight (or an Optivisor) and a very small tool, to can release the wires from the plastic and correct that, but it is a pain.

Don Sweet should have them in stock with correct polarization color code.

EDIT to add that the ones I got from Don with battery purchases are heavier gauge wire than the ones from All Electronics even though the insulation outside diameter is about the same.

2nd EDIT: Amazon has them too.

This is a pretty good deal on the SM2 connectors with wires

Beware: Some SM2’s are wired backwards to your battery.

All Electronics were correct for batteries I purchased from Tenergy.

Not from a bundle I bought on eBay.

Reindeer Pass has them too. They may still have them in the four and six wire versions too.

Ric Golding said:

Thank you in advance for any help with this. (

You think too much !

I don’t even like electronics !

John Bouck said:

Beware: Some SM2’s are wired backwards to your battery.


Ric does all his own wiring even if the polarity is reversed.

The SM-2’s name is what I was looking for. Thank you very much. Yep, I have run in to the backwards wiring before. I thought this had to do with what side of the equator they were installed on. I have learned those little electrons don’t care what color the wire insulation is. Its one of those human things. I’ve lived on the edge before and used a black cable for the positive side of the battery. Just wrapped a little red tape around it. However, this does remind me of my 1959 Triumph TR-3A with the positive ground electrical system. Ahhh, the “Prince of the Darkness”.

Should have named my Son, Lucas.

Boy, what memories, changed it over to 12 volt negative ground. Everything worked once we changed the generator, regulator and starter. Volt meter read backwards, until we reversed the wires.