Greg Elmassian said:
Everyone else understood you Lou, just hard for fowl to comprehend (
Who is Fowl and when did he join?
Greg Elmassian said:
Everyone else understood you Lou, just hard for fowl to comprehend (
Who is Fowl and when did he join?
Foul Ball, he’s the new bat boy.(
Pete Thornton said:
Jay Briscoe said:
Great show. Didn’t make any purchases, but always enjoy seeing the new products that are being offered or in the works. Here’s my complaint though, there’s a push to get a younger demographic into the hobby (I, myself am 27). However, when you schedule a show on a Friday (when typically the non-retired demographic has to work) and then schedule the show on the same weekend as Easter Sunday, how can the hobby expect to bring in “new blood” with such horrible foresight when planning the event? Unless you’re retired or willing and able to miss work, how can you expect to bring in a younger demographic?
Oh, and second big bummer which isn’t really anyone’s fault - the 2016 convention T-shirt were sold out by the time I got to the show Saturday morning (I drove to York from Pittsburgh)
The problem was that they moved Easter this year to coincide with the show. These shows are booked in advance, and if you want the same week as last year - fine. Another date and you bump in to someone else’s show - so they tend to stay the same dates.
The way the York Fairgrounds works the dates are determined by how they count the weekends in each month. Sounds convoluted to me but I guess it works for them. If harry did not take this date there would not have been an ECLSTS untiil the summer or fall. He would have also lost the March dates.
Larry, at least no one bought a locomotive right out from under you at this show. It was nice seeing you again, as well as seeing everyone else…even Rooster.