Large Scale Central

What deals did you find at ECLSTS 2016?

I didn’t spend a lot but I scored several good deals.

First, Ric was selling off all his 1:24 and 1:22.5 rolling stock at blow-out prices of $15/car including metal wheels and Kadee couplers. I ended up with 3; 2 Delton 1:24 cars and a Bachmann 1:22 car. The Deltons will be run along with my 1:20 stuff to represent earlier small cars and the Bachman car went into the bash fodder box.

Next, at the Drag-N-Brag I picked up 4 bags of Geoff Ringles Magnetic Glad Hands, but some one convinced me I needed to share them, so I ended up with two bags - I think I paid $7 for both but that was after several beers so I might be wrong

On Saturday I was browsing RLD Hobbies for 1:20 cars and saw a Bachmann Frameless GRAMPS Tank with no price and a note “broken end rail”. These cars were selling new for $75 and up so I negotiated with Robbie to take the car for $40. It really is a mess. Someone who has no business owning glue tried to glue the broken hand rail back on and ran glue all down both sides of the car and then managed to get more glue all over the car top. There was also a broken coupler mount and all four cut lever support brackets had been glued back on incorrectly. I spent a few hours with it last night and have it to the point that I can run it. I still need to decide what will get spilled over the top of the car to disguise what is left of the glue. Even with all these problems it was still a good deal.

Anyone else find some steals ?

We did pretty good, people were discounting decent for cash!

One of our needs for the railway was some fake store fronts to put along the fence that borders our pond and we found (3) that will look pretty good and take up some space

I was looking for a LGB Euro style combo car to go with my new passenger set and I picked this up NIB for $100

Knowing we will be moving a few plants around in a section that sits between our mainline and our reversing track it would leave space to add a pretty good size building right next to our freight depot we added last year and we felt this one would do the trick for $100! (and it will fit perfect)

We can always use figures so we were happy to see the people from Just Plain Folk at the show, forget what we paid for everything but for cash they were doing no sales tax and no 3% add for credit card sales

And last but not least, my wife told me we needed this no matter what the cost!

Yes, the one and only Cement train that was at the show, if you didn’t see it within the first 30-minutes of the show on Friday you missed out… according to my wife (she is still trying to convince me!)

Wife negotiated the $150 asking price down to $120 and then I was told to pay the man! It only took three of us to load it in my truck, and a half bottle of Vicodin for the back pain! I think in total it weighs close to 500lbs, I cant move it by myself and just my friend and I were struggling to move it from my truck to a spot in our yard to store it until my wife finds the Right spot for it… Then I get to move it again!

We had a fun time, took another couple with us for the trip and they enjoyed it. Visited the PRR museum & Strasburg RR, made a little stop at Intercourse PA for some shopping and had a really nice time.

Now all I need is for the weather to make up its mind if it is Spring or still Winter!

I added three of AML’s Bethgon Coalporters to my hopper fleet. They weren’t a magnificent deal, but I was more than happy to pay Robbie’s price. Warrior Run had a mis-match of the LGB 2-4-0 Lil’ Mikey switcher. Had the Santa Fe engine with a Great Northern sound tender for 125.

But, I’m claiming the “Best Deal of the ECLSTS” award for a used but working LGB F7A in UP for $200. This was acquired as a parts supply. It’ll donate its power bricks to my B-unit, while the shell is available as a backup in case I screw up one of my shells as I modify them to represent the NS OCS executive power.

My find of the show :wink:


$599 at Nicholas Smith…Railinx is ordered.

My Connie will now be going to the auction block.

I passed up some good deals on locomotives, because I have more then enough. I did nab a pair of USA 3 axle power trucks for a future build. I also got a Bachmann 20 foot boxcar for $20, with metal wheels. The best deal I nabbed, was spending 2 evenings with like minded train nuts…I mean, enthusiasts.

I picked up a few things. While I was walking around with a club member he spotted at G Scale junction a 1:32 model of a military painted telehandlers for moving Conex box which fits perfectly with my train. I went back to G-Scale junction and found a B&M Evans boxcar which I got for $77. My biggest purchases was a Pennsy caboose and Engelhard modern tank car, sadly was no real dealing there.

My best find was “under the table”, an Aristo L&N boxcar with metal wheels for $25!

I also found the one MWLSTS Show Car I was missing, and the 2 2008 ECLSTS Show cars for $50 each with metal wheels!

Companionship and friends: Priceless.

A long life has enabled me to cope and dispel envy Lou. I have to be honest I am struggling now having read of your lucky finds. ( was surely your lucky day!

I bought a bunch of Bachmann frameless tank cars. They’re starting to show up again at decent prices, so I grabbed as many red oxide ones that I could find.

Bob McCown said:

I bought a bunch of Bachmann frameless tank cars. They’re starting to show up again at decent prices, so I grabbed as many red oxide ones that I could find.

The detail on these is really nice. Don’t forget to remove the little plastic clip that keeps the coupler from swinging in the box. I found I needed to bend the brake pipe a little to keep it from keeping the coupler form going full swing.

Did you get them for $75? - Saw several around for that. It’s a heck of a car for that price.

EDIT to add: I have stopped converting Bachmann cars to Accucraft couplers. It’s easy to do, but the Bachmann couplers play nice with Accucraft so why bother. Leave the Bacchmann closed when coupling. Open either to uncouple.

Got a great deal on a new BM Spectrum mogul from Star Hobby, $300. Only other one I saw was $700!

Speaking of moguls, I saw the painted & detailed ones on the Bachmann table, vaguely thinking they were older stock that was out of production, but made pretty by someone. OK, I wasn’t really paying attention to them. So I asked the gentleman there, “Do you think the moguls will go back into production?” He seemed almost offended, saying, “What do you think THESE are?? They’re being released this summer!”

And wow, what nice paint details, even new / unique trim elements. Their Glenbrook is awesome; dear to my heart, since it was owned by the V&T, and was recently restored to full operating condition at Carson City. Price is typically high, ~$1260 as I recall. But a gentleman at Star said that the rule of thumb is, for retail price: half list price; and they should be available in June/July.

Oh, I spoke with the LGB guy too. I sheepishly asked him, “So, you guys are, uh, fully back into production? Making US models?” He, a little put off, said (and I paraphrase of course): “Vee hat only been out of bisness one yahr, only one yahr!!” (Actually, I’m exaggerating the accent too). Followed by: “Vhat do you tink these models are, ya? Almost all American!!” And lo, almost all the locos on the table were of US locos (to the degree LGB makes US locos). VERY nice! I asked Franz, or maybe it was Bob, if they were going to produce new US stuff? And he said it was hard to produce anything new, because everything’s been done. I didn’t want to argue, so I left it there. Regardless, I was left with the impression that LGB is very much up and running, and regaining its strength.

BTW, their tooling is all back in their hands from China; and he pointed out to me the last loco made in China. Never seen an LGB Mikado, wow, that baby’s huge. Anyway, all is now being made in Hungary, under direct LGB supervision.

Speaking of new stock, it was neat to see all the Aristo turnouts. Like, everywhere, in brass and SS. Piko had tons of new track and trains.

Need to also mention my talk with Joane of Train Li, who is a huge vendor of LGB stock and parts. I buy all my track from them, BTW, so I know Joane and Axel. They were the first booth I visited, and I asked if they had any problems getting new LGB stock? That was a dumb question I guess, because she waved her arm around the booth, and said something like “I keep hearing about LGB not having new products, but look around, they’re pouring in!” Yes, lots of Euro; but also lots of US. And ALL fresh products, not just re-selling old stock from a warehouse somewhere in Guangzhou.

New LGB stock (Euro and US) was all over the place, with Train Li being the epicenter perhaps for trains and parts.

Lastly, I spoke with Phil Jensen of Hartland. What a guy, what a great story. Anyway, he assured me that, in spite of rumors I’d heard, the Big John and Paul Bunyan were going to remain in production. The only thing changing is that the solid brass (!) domes on the PB are going to be plastic. I asked him again if they were going to come out with the Duchess (the only 2-4-0 ever on the market, to my knowledge), and he said that since they were shutting down on the LaPorte for now, the Duchess was a candidate for next year. They were still deciding what to introduce, or re-introduce.

These are only my observations, and surely not the last word; but I found things to be unexpectedly encouraging. Beyond my mogul from Star, seeing manufacturers showing more strength was my best “deal” from York. Well, and seeing and making good friends again. Definitely looking forward to next year!


Yea, I spoke with the LGB rep, and he tells me that the Olomana should be here soon. I hope so. The LGB Mike sure is pretty, and it appears to be smaller then the Aristo one was. But it’s still a bit large for my railroad and wallet

Phill at Heartland told me that the long passenger cars will be back in production in a year or 2. I have 4 of them, and they are nice cars.

I saw that Crest had some metal wheels, so maybe Crest is going to dabble in some Aristo parts. I do not know, since Navin was busy each time I stopped by the Crest booth.

So, things may be looking up for the hobby, and if so, then that’s a great deal.

Scored a couple of Bachmann Jackson Sharp cars for FREE. Now all I need is some time,then me and the bandsaw have a date! THANK YOU to the supplier of these cars and the museum will thank you as well when finished.


I scored two Delton Railcars one of which I had purchased from Beacon Hill Trains in the G Scale Swap and Shop over a moth ago. Paid for it and he held on to it for the show. Second was from Dave Stachnik who knew I had one and wanted another. I also got an Accucraft Centercab Diesel with matching caboose and Phoenix Sound. A box of 1 foot stainless, eggliner for the wife, and a few other odds and ends.


Fantastic Tool Man at Show. Great stuff!

Jan picked up a great symbol of “Trailer Trash” and its solar powered to help save the environment.

Picked up 1:20.3 Reefer for “Timesaver”

Ric said :tool and it seems as he has Jan dealing the reefer now! I was real close to buying a reefer from Jan but I couldn’t for morality reasons.

Larry Otis said: I also got an Accucraft Centercab Diesel


Was it one of these ?

If so I wish you luck with it, biggest piece of crap I ever owned.


Why don’t you tell us how you really feel about it? (

Joe Zullo said:


Why don’t you tell us how you really feel about it? (

Hehe, Very funny Joe(