Large Scale Central

Well, was gonna go work on the extention to Deary

and then on to Bovil on the Washington Idaho and Montana Ry Co, but it is right at freezing out, with hail, snow and rain, all at once.

I admit it, I’m a whuse, but at least I’m warm.

Working on turnouts, instead.

So… Do what I’m doin’. Go out in the shop and build something. I’m still hard at it on the coal tipple.


JB, did you read what I posted?

Thats OK Steve I understand totally. I’ve been moving dirt for the last three days getting ready to start the retaining wall and laying track. I’d post a few pictures, but I can’t get my computer to accept the camera down link (computer getting fixed Monday) and I don’t know how to post pictures on this site.

Hey John, nice start to the coal tripple I keep hearing about (little birdies)


Chuck Inlow said:
I don't know how to post pictures on this site. Chuck
Chuck, Bruce Chandler wrote some instructions here: Ralph
Steve Featherkile said:
JB, did you read what I posted?
Only the first, second and third line. Not the fourth.................:) :)
John Bouck said:
Steve Featherkile said:
JB, did you read what I posted?
Only the first, second and third line. Not the fourth.................:) :)
JB has a short attention span :)

More like “old timer’s” dizeez. :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

Honey-doos today! :frowning:

Didn’t you put switches on the honey-do list first? :slight_smile:

Steve Featherkile said:
Honey-doos today! :(
I did have visions of working on the layout today (silly boy :P), it being warm and sunny and all, but around 6 a.m. SW said, "You know the Carp market is open today". Carp being a village up the Valley a hop and a skip or two. Well, you don't defy SW and the Great God Far-mersmar-ket, so off we went with Younger Daughter and two grandsons in tow. Actually was quite pleasant; picked up some nice pies and things (none of which my diabetic self is supposed to consume, but ...) We were pulling out to head home when SW says, "Wouldn't it be nice to look for that plant nursery over by A." She'd forgotten the name and the location, but was sure we could find it ... unfortunately, I believe SW is related to Wrong-way Corrigan. We went 20 miles up one sideroad that she was certain was the one, and then around and 20 miles back down another road to a place I had remembered, but when we got near it, SW says, "No, that's the place we got eaten alive by mosquitoes" (which is true, but the same could be said of almost anywhere along the backroads around here, and certainly all plant places). So we didn't stop there, and headed for home to put our food purchases in the fridge and then SW and YD were going to take the grandsons shopping while Grandpa got to work peacefully in the backyard ... except that, when we got home, SW and YD decided that a pilgrimage to the shrine of the Even Greater God Samwal-Ton would be more pleasant sans small boys, so GP got to look after the pair of brigands ... and believe me, you don't expect to be able to concentrate on any job with those two around. So I dug out some stumps of honeysuckles that had come up where I don't want them, while attempting to rein in the horde, raked the bare ground (a.k.a. Mudpatch), reined in the horde again, and scattered grass seed that I hope will take, all the while reining in the horde. Ah well, the horde got plenty of fresh air, and not too much damage was done to anything but GP's mental stability (precarious at best) and blood pressure. Eventually, the pilgrims returned glowing in the blessings of Holy Mall, and I got to do a couple of small things on the RR structure, but track laying must await another day (and the next two weekends are already spoken for). "But when are you going to get the trains running?" says YD.

If there was a “Carp Market” around here it would be commercial fishermen selling “the rough fish” out of the lake.

We have a nice farmer’s market at the hospital where I have to visit every five weeks. We now schedule my appts for Fridays when the farmer’s market is there
. I know how days go. We had nice weather on Friday and went to the farmer’s market. Then we went to the train shop, lunch and then off to visit friends. Two more store stops and we got home at 6! No working on the layout Friday!
Should we build a farmer’s market on the layout? Then we could say we went!

Doug Arnold said:
Should we build a farmer's market on the layout? Then we could say we went!
Now there's a thought :) But in truth, I've always liked the Carp market. Lots of fresh produce during the growing season. Quite a few talented artisans, too. We've been going for years, since our daughters were young. Sort of lost the habit when our grandson came to live with us and his health and feeding problems made excursions a logistical problem. He is gradually "normalizing" (fingers crossed), so we will probably start going again; he does like outings.