And so it begins …
The Waverly Southern Railroad (WSRR) provides freight service for clients in Ellen City, Grant’s Pass, Danville, and Waverly. A subsidiary of the WSRR is the Tiger Railway. The Tiger Railway is a narrow gauge shortline that operates out of Grant’s Pass and serves Beauford, Duke and Bear’s Den. Bear’s Den is a logging community located at the base of Hank’s Ridge. Beauford is a coal mining community on the opposite side of Hank’s Ridge from Bear’s Den. Duke lies just beyond Beauford and is an agricultural region.
WSRR is owned by a gentleman by the name of B. C. Paws. Better known as Mr. Paws. The superintendent of the WSRR is Mr. Paws’ uncle, Munson Paws. The CVG, Chief Varmint Getter, is a German lady known only as Shatzi. Some of the railroad workers call her fuzzy face, but never in her presence. The CVG is responsible for keeping varmints and other undesirables, both 2 legged and 4 legged variety, out of the RR’s structures and R.O.W. She is extremely effective. The Chief Engineer is R. E. Mington. Mr. Mington is a tall, slender fellow with a dark complexion . He has vast experience in constructing most any structure needed by the railroad including buildings, bridges, tunnels and the railroad itself.
The Tiger Ry has recently acquired a Shay locomotive from the Oregon Lumber company.
Mr. Paws looks over his new acquisition.
R. E. Mington has requested that the WSRR allow him to build a new engine house for the Shay. Uncle Munson has requested a cost estimate to include labor and material. Mington, in preparing the requested estimate, realizes that he has all the lumber needed to construct a simple engine house. All he really needs is some metal roofing. Mington notifies Uncle Munson that he can build the structure for almost nothing if he can just find the needed roofing. As it turns out, the WSRR is expecting a load of corrugated roofing from the New Mexico Northern RR. Uncle Munson tells R. E. Mington that he can use up to 800 Sq. Ft of the roofing for his engine house. With all the materials accounted for, all Mington will need is a few miscellaneous supplies. He estimates that he can build the engine house for less than $30.00. Uncle Munson and R. E. Mington take their request to Mr. Paws for final approval. After careful consideration, Mr. Paws gives his ok with the condition that plans shall be submitted prior to January 14 and construction may not start until January 14 at 0001 hours and be completed by February 15. R. E. Mington is excited and he gets started on the plans immediately.
The first draft of the plans have been submitted to the office of B.C. Paws.
To Be Continued …