Large Scale Central

Wanted: USAT 40' Steel box car (R192xx)

Hello all!

While in California this past summer, The Fiancee and I went to the California State Railroad Museum. Outside, they have this amazing boxcar that an artist painted. I’d like to replicate it. So, I am looking for a used USA Trains 40’ Steel Box Car, item number R192xx. I am looking for one with a 6’ superior door (I think). A door that looks like this.

However, I do suppose I could build doors if it isn’t the right one…
I will be searching for one at the ARS Model Train Show next month!
Private message or replies here are more than welcome! Thank you!

I have a USAT R19233 B Western Maryland with 8’ doors

$125.00 plus shipping

Wow, David. I didn’t expect a reply so quickly.
I appreciate the offer, but I’d rather spend less for something I am going to cut up (some) and completely repaint. That is a beautiful car as-is.

Are you still looking for these? I have 2 and if you ask nicely I might be willing to part with them.
(In English my wife says I have too much and need to get rid of stuff.)
Shipping from New Jersey might kill the deal.

@RRRR4 Lou,
I am definitely interested! Feel free to message me privately if you’d like. I’d really only need one, but depending on what they’re like now, I could take both.

You can have this one for $25. No wheels. One side is good but the other has a broken bottom rung and stirrup step. I’ll bring it to the show so you can look it over.

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That’d be perfect. Thanks, Dan!

OK, See you at the show.