Large Scale Central

WANTED: USA GP7/9 Pilot Step

The one that goes on the front / rear and has openings for the MU hoses. I need 1 but will take two if you have them.

Jon, Sorry, I don’t have any spares… I just got some to replace some broken ones from USA trains… only 6.50 for 2…

Jon, I also have a missing one. Hollywood inspired me to make one using some fine “woven” wire from AC Moore that looks like the open gridwork. I will gladly make 2 instead of one. There. It is now officially on my “To Do List.” Although $6.50 + shipping is not expensive.

I’ll check with USA. If they still have them in stock that would be a good excuse to go to the Springfield show.

Jon USAT has a Skype number. +17813226084

I use them for spares and never have a problem, even from over here in England.

Jon Radder said:

I’ll check with USA. If they still have them in stock that would be a good excuse to go to the Springfield show.

No guaranty that they bring all there parts!

Sean -

I’d call them a few days before the show and pre-pay asking them to bring with; then hopefully they would remember. I wouldn’t expect them to have any spares otherwise. If they forget then I can request free shipping :]


Jon, Buddy…Could you get 2, and I will buy one from you at York. Or get you a cupcake. We found a cupcake place on our way to the Fairgrounds!

Lou - we’ll see. Still not sure I’m going to Springfield or York. I plan to, but my plans tend to get squashed lately.

Lemeno. If you don’t make Springfield that will give me time to make, and I can always mail you.