Does anyone sell spoked metal wheels ? LGB size (3mm axle, 1.19" diam,) or Thomas size (4mm axle, 1.56" diam) ?
Doesn’t Train Li sell the LGB ones?
Train Li sales LGB wheels and driver sets, BUT far as I know LGB stuff is not metal spoked as Pete desires…
AH. Ok. The ones I got from TrainLi are spoked, with metal treads, but the spokes are plastic. I didn’t understand that the OP wanted metal spokes.
Check with Clem, I bought a set of SV wheels from him, metal spokes 4 or 5 years ago.
Actually, now I’ve done some more research (and thanks for the info, guys,) it appears I can live with plastic spokes. I hadn’t actually considered the LGB replacements (plastic with a coated brass wheel rim,) or the Train Li ones (stainless rims on LGB wheels.) And my local guys (Star Hobby) have the replacement LGB wheels in stock, it seems, so I’ll be wandering over there soon. [Went over this am but they decided to take the day off - it was closed!]
Chuck - I considered the SVR wheels - I had some small ones which I can’t find this week - but they are 7/8s scale and have quite wide treads. Might work as replacement for Thomas wheels.