Large Scale Central

Wanted: Motor Blocks

Dan Pierce said:

Common to both motors is the battery and the receiver (revo I believe??). Is there a fuse somewhere?verify it for zero ohms.

Sometimes it is current starved, not a voltage issue.

Matt Russell said:

Tony, I’m not sure what kind of cells are in that pack. It’s a cordlessrenovations CR-1700 18.5v HC3000mah.

It’s definatley bad. I plugged it into my other sd40-2 and it made it run really slow as well. So, next week sometime I’m going to run up to Robby’s and get another pack.

I can’t thank you all enough for the help!!!

All should take heed of Dan’s comments re; “current starved”, the suggestion is NOT an unusual condition… And most steam roll right over it!


I have no idea what happened, when I was posting, I swear the post saying he found the problem was not there… now I see he figured it out earlier… my posts must be the result of Alzheimers…


Greg, I prefer to say it was brain ‘gas’