Large Scale Central

Wanted: Bachmann Climax wheels

Hi folks,

i’m looking to buy 8 wheels (4 axles) for the Spectrum Climax. If you have any old trucks laying around let me know if I can make you an offer. I don’t need working trucks, just the wheels. I’m alslo looking for a bell, but its not quite as needed as the wheels at this point. Thanks for looking!

I have shay wheels if that would work?

Lemme know


Hi Terry,

Thanks for the offer!

I’m actually building a live steam Climax, so the Shay wheels, although close, aren’t the right style.

You try Accucraft for their Climax wheels? They are pretty good at having parts. Probably could get the whole truck.

have you looked at Sierra Valley wheel sets? they have spoked wheels and perhaps a size that would suit.

Hi Jerry,

I tried them for the gears a while back, to no avai, but i can try again. The whole truck would be cheating tho hehe


Yes, and

i’ll probaby be messaging them soon…althoughi think i’m supposed to have 8 spokes, but 6 may be fine. i might try to see if they can send me unmounted wheels sincevi dont need the insulators…and i need to add gears.

Thanks for the suggestions guys!

talk nice and perhaps they would even make you a run of 8 spoke wheels … who knows!