Large Scale Central

WALK Junction Drainage Project

Over in the Gardening forum is a post detailing the drainage and rust garden project at WALK Junction. Many more photos in that thread. [ ] []

[/url] WALK Junction Rust Garden & Detention Pond - Click Photo to Enlarge JR


Your first crop looks like it is coming in well.

How deep is the retention pond? It is hard to tell depth from the picture. I know you’ve had a lot of rain over the last month, how did the retention pond perform? What has been the largest deluge you have survived since its installation?

Great pictures and great ideas.

Hi Ric -

The pond is about 18" or so deep with about 2" of gravel in the bottom. About 12" in diameter at the rounded end and perhaps 24" the long way. I never measured it, just dug what I thought looked right.

We haven’t had a heavy rain since the grading and pond walls were finished. While it was still just a dirt hole with the concrete waterway leading to it we had a huge storm - over 2" an hour. The entire railroad in this area was over-run by water during that storm, but the walls of the waterway stayed above the flood level. As the rain died down water quickly moved off the rail bed and the pond re-appeared from beneath the flood. I called it a success because no silt was deposited between the rails at the crossing where it used to pond and drop lots of mud.

I’ll try to bring more pictures to the Invasion.



That rust garden is most unusual and unique. The best way to display such railroad artifacts I’ve ever seen. Neat!!!

I’d worry if you have enough capacity there. That just drains a piece of the walkway? Should be Ok…

Thanks Richard. I had the idea over a year ago but didn’t have a good place to do it until now. The upright rail clips are a bit hokey, but I’m happy with everything else. Have you ever seen larger than life sculpture? We have some near us of soda cans that are bigger than a car. This area will eventually be developed as a railfan park and the railroad junque will represent larger than life railroad sculpture.

Tom - Primarily I want to catch the run off from watering the garden and lawn that runs down the flangeways in the crossing and into what was a dip just outside the crossing. This area used to fill with silt requiring regular digging out. The drain doesn’t have enough capacity for a large thunderstorm, but being on a sloping lot, flooding rains run off quickly anyway. It appears to have plenty of capacity for the small rainstorm and/or sprinklers.

I knew I shouldn’t have posted this in two forum areas. Don’t miss the rest of the pictures in the other thread