Large Scale Central

Vulcan Iron Works Duplex

Hello all . I am looking for any plans for a Vulcan Duplex ? I have the best article I could find in the 1971 Railroading magazine but no drawing . I have a good outline drawing but no demensions that are not mentioned already on pictures of the engine. Anyone got anything ? I want to draw one up in solidworks and build one in g scale

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You could try to query Bachmann. About two decades ago they were going to release a 1:20.3 model of that locomotive, but the modelers nicknamed it “Spock” and nixed it. They may still retrain their research materials.

Best, David Meashey

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wow that woud be interesting if they would actually allow me to see the drwaings . I will give it a try

When I decided I wanted Amtrak in a " larger" G-sale version I just drew up my own plans and winged it then posted pics of my process and that’s when the REAL drawings arrived via collections of old magazines which I still have a bunch passed down to me by my elders that I need to pass on!

I have a PDf measuring tool and a good outline that I am putting measurments on so I am working on it that way also

I had a tape measure a pencil and a dream is all I was saying. But I managed to build it all and still continue to run it as interest allows. John are you building a model to play with or a shelf display I have kinda done both myself.

Beutiful work . I want to do a operating engine if I can other wise shelf is good too LOL
Here are some of the parts and drawings I have done


SO I contacted Bachmann and a gentlemen responded . He said they never got past just talking about building one and that he had a PFM Model and he gave that away