Large Scale Central

Vote here for you favorite 2025 Mik build

Voting for your Favorite

Mik’s Build Challenge 2025 build.

Voting for your favorite build from this years build challenge is simple.
Voting is open to any member in good standings on LSC.

**FIRST: Goto the thread [2025 MIK’s Build Challenge, Post your Photos HERE for Voting ]

and look over all the great builds.

SECOND: Come back to this thread and post your votes:

If you choose to vote in private e-mail me at [email protected]

There is ONLY ONE thing to vote on, Your favorite!
For whatever the reason is doesn’t matter.
You set your own criteria.
Please list your choices for: 1st., 2nd., and 3rd.

PLEASE!!! NO TIE VOTES !! One choice for each place.

Voting will end at sunup ( really more like when I drag me lazy as$ out of bed) on

Monday the 28th of Feb. Thats 7 days and a weekend.

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1 - Dan Gilchrist - NSC 42’ coil car
2 - Rick Marty - South Fork Timber locomotive
3 - Clan Mueller ( or is it just you Eric? :open_mouth: )- inspection locomotive

So tough, as always!! And can’t do ties…

But, since I’m semi-schizophrenic (according to at least one of my sisters, back in the day), I’ll do two lists (since Dave didn’t say I couldn’t).

Modeling me (Cliff side A):

  1. Rick’s loco
  2. Vic’s railbus
  3. Todd’s Schnabel

Inner child soul me (Cliff side B):

  1. Mueller OD/OS steampunk loco
  2. Bill’s handcar
  3. Mueller KZ/YD rocket car


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Mine are:

  1. Todd’s Schnabel
  2. Rick’s Locomotive
  3. Mueller KZ/YD rocket car

Cheers, David Meashey

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Too hard to judge.
So the ones I like and want to own: (I’ll send my address… :grinning:)

  1. Rick Marty
  2. Vic Smith
  3. Jon Radder
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This gets more difficult every year. Deciding between excellent modeling and models executed in the Spirit of Mik is always my dilemma. I guess that I’ll just randomly mix that criteria for my choices!

#1 Rick Marty’s dieselized steam loco

#2Vic Smith’s Rail Bus

#3 YD & Kid-Zilla’s Rocket Carrier

There were at least four others that I hemmed and hawed over. Some great modeling and also some others that really channeled Mik. Congratulations. Everyone deserves a participation trophy :roll_eyes:

I really enjoyed participating. Thanks Dave for continuing to manage this tradition.

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1 Rick Marty - hill-billy loco

2 Vic Smith - rail bus

3 Kid-Zilla - rocket carrier

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Once again a huge thank you to Dave Taylor for keeping this alive. I have a funny feeling that Miks boy may be keeping an eye on this since he discovered it on a google search.

As always I am voting in the “Spirit of Mik” !

Knowing and remembering Mik from LSC, I haven’t decided in my own feeble mind yet if Mik would have grabbed onto the 3d printing end of the hobby or not. So I’m gonna stick with the basics which to me is making junk outta junk ( I model Amtrak right?).

#1 …Todd Haskins …
Very straight forward base build that requires basic tools and makes a serious statement. You get the bugs all worked out you could detail the heck outta that thing! Once again an excellent basic approach.

#2 …Kidzilla Muller…
Yes, this child is my chosen one! However the boy is learning a TON for his age! Not only proper tool usage but geometry, math, how to slam a beer when dad ain’t looking, etc.
By the time he gets to high school he will be the school districts volunteer millwright and in return they will lower or remove his daddy’s school tax!

#3…Devon Sinsley …
Because it was basic and it was built for a GREAT purpose. Can’t pass the hobby along if they ain’t interested!

On final thoughts …aahhh shut up :rooster:

Honestly …Just awesome modeling all around for the guys that participated and would like to have voted on all that joined Mik this year finished or not!!!


This is always the hardest part of the Mik Challenge. How do you choose between all the great builds and they were all great. But, choose we must so here goes:

  1. KZ/YD Mueller - Rocket carrier
  2. Devon’s circus car
  3. Vic’s rail truck

And always, a big thanks to Dave Taylor for keeping the Mik alive and kicking.

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We had a fun evening reviewing the builds. There were some votes for other Mueller projects, but we allowed that as we were competing as separate teams. @Dave_Taylor , as always, you can average the votes, take each separately, whatever! Each of us voted based on our own separate criteria (modeling, “spirit,” craftiness, theme, etc.), but we all had many favorites in common.


  1. Bill Hines’ hand car
  2. Dave Taylor’s lime car and gondola
  3. O.D. & O.S. Steampunk Locomotive


  1. Rick Marty’s dieselized steamie
  2. Dan Hilyer’s backwoods diesel
  3. Dan Gilchrist’s NSC 42’ steel car

Oldest Daughter (O.D.)

  1. Rick Marty’s dieselized steamie
  2. Vic Smith’s “Casey Jones” railbus
  3. Eric Mueller’s inspection locomotive (No, I didn’t bribe her!)

Youngest Daughter (Y.D.)

  1. Rick Marty’s dieselized steamie
  2. Bill Hines’ hand car
  3. Devon Sinsley’s circus car

Oldest Son (O.S.)

  1. Rick Marty’s dieselized steamie
  2. Vic Smith’s “Casey Jones” railbus
  3. Todd Haskins’ schnabel


  1. Vic Smith’s “Casey Jones” railbus
  2. Todd Haskins’ schnabel
  3. Rick Marty’s dieselized steamie

As ever, hats off to @Dave_Taylor for hosting this! It remains the single best learning tool on the web, it is a whole lot of fun, and it brings the family together for a month of hacking, gluing, and painting! Thanks also to all participants, as you enable this fantastic means to evaluate several ways to surmount the same basic challenge!

Good luck to all participants!

On Behalf of Clan Mueller,


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I will cast votes for
1.Kid-Zilla & Y.D. for their rocket car
2. Devon Sinsley with his circus car
3. Vic Smith and his Casey Jones railbus

And a shout out to MIK just MIK for starting this whole thing by deciding on his simple challenge to " Hey guys, lets just build something" to beat the winter doldrums after the holidays when we all start looking for something to do.
And certainly to Dave Taylor for keeping it going these days.
To all remember only 312 days till your next chance to join in the fun

Once again I’ve had to go through all entries and try to give it to only three. So here it

  1. Rick. Outstanding…just Outstanding.:open_mouth:

  2. Todd. For the shear audacity to build something bigger than some layouts, mine included😉

  3. Eric. Because that looks like something I would build :grin:

I don’t know if there is a Spirit of Mik award this year but it there were, it should be a group award for Clan Mueller, who put on an outstanding effort this year. :clap:

Good lord, this is tough.

  1. Vic’s railbus
  2. Rick Marty’s locomotive thing
  3. Dan Hilyer’s critter

Great job every body, difficult to pick three, I had it down to seven and then it became real difficult but here they are.

Kid-zilla & Y.D. I love that it’s a family thing

JRad RR camper, love the idea of a camper car

Rick Marty Hill billy loco, Just neat and the detail amazing

Great builds everyone. The Imagination and Talent of this group has once again knocked it out of the park.
The Spirit of Mik award goes to team Mueller for their fun builds.

1 Rick Marty.
2 Vic Smith
3 Jon Radder

Well done!

I almost sat out this year’s MIK Challenge because it was well outside my wheelhouse, and I thought the hardest part would be figuring out what I could possibly build.

It turns out the toughest part wasn’t the build—it was the vote. I learned something from every single entry, so I finally settled on a simple voting criterion: the number of times I said ”wow” whilst reading the build logs. Based on that, my votes are:

  1. Rick Marty – for the complete sight & sound experience
  2. Todd Haskins – for his Bogberry themed Leviathan
  3. YD & Kidzilla – for having more intuition & imagination than I ever will

As a subtle side note, since BD mentioned potential Summer MasterClasses last year, the build I’d most like to copy is Dan Hilyer’s Backwoods Diesel. I’m looking forward to your caboose build log too @WaverlySouthern.

Thanks again to @Dave_Taylor for bringing us together for another Mik-tacular!

#1 Rick
#2 Vic
#3 Dan H.

#1 Vick’s rail bus
#2 Dan’s Back woods Diesel engine
These 2 are the kind of modeling that appeals to me.

#3 Dan Gilchrist’s coil car, just beautiful.

WOW quite the builds, hard to pick three

  1. Rick’s loco
  2. Vic’s railbus
  3. Todd’s Schnabel