Large Scale Central


Looks like we will have a visiting trainman this Saturday…HJ is threatening to visit…

Me too.

Yes, Bill…you are most welcome too…

On the way to Nova Scotia we’ll stop off for a few days in “The Nation’s Capital”. The politicians are out campaigning, which is probably the only time the mean temperature drops by a noticeable amount in Ottawa. :wink:

Visiting Fred and his gang should be a very interesting time. I already warned SWMBO that she can’t just stand there and watch. hehehehe!

and you will be subjected to some of the best hospitality in the world…:wink:

And if you like chinese eggrolls, well, …Fred knows a good spot…

HJ: If on your way back you’re going through the US, you should stop by here for a look-see.

Bob McCown said:
HJ: If on your way back you're going through the US, you should stop by here for a look-see.
Bob, I'd love to, but we're flying all the way. :(

Yesterday was “Shopping Day”, had to take advantage of the deals on SDHC memory. Now I’m set, 16GB and a spare battery should be plenty for stills and video.

Nobody is kidding about the egg rolls. They are great! Lots of other good food and hospitality, also. Might want to stay away from the greek place unless you like rice with your baked potato.

What was that, What kind of Starch do I want with my potato ???

The “what kind of starch do you want with your potato” came from the Holiday Inn in York, PA a couple of years ago. Fun and funny evening.

But in 2007, in Ottawa, we went to a Greek restaurant for one of our meals. I believe Stu Moxley set it up. Anyway, the special had some type of rice prepared with the meat. Very good, but every plate also came with this giant potato, that if you paid attention to the people around you, nobody ate. The interesting part was the potatos were so big, one would have fed about 3 people. Most of them went to the trash untouched.

Some of the most memorable events at these train gatherings, no matter where they are, are the things that happen not involving trains, but involving the great friends we have made playing with trains.

Life is short, enjoy every minute.

Life is uncertain, eat dessert first, that’s my motto.

Ric Golding said:
[i][/i]But in 2007, in Ottawa, we went to a Greek restaurant for one of our meals.[i][/i]
That must have been the night we did Family Night dinner & a movie by ourselves. I missed that one :D

I couldn’t remember where the starch question came from. I knew it was one of the group dinners somewhere. I think that may have been the night it was decided that all future meals in York would be at the diner. I hope it doesn’t change too much with the new owners.

“Meals in York would be at the diner. I hope it doesn’t change too much with the new owners.”

I certainly agree and hope the new ownership does the place proud.

Ooooooops, it just clicked.

Saturday Sept. 13th was the fateful day. Operating on the IPP&W was a hoot. Everyone was busy, busy, busy and things ran very nicely. The rain held off, too.

Do I need to mention the First Class hospitality? I guess only for the benefit of those who haven’t been at Fred’s, yet. Thanks Fred!

Of course I can’t mention all the “stuff” that happened, but one of the extracurricular highlights was a visit to “Pub Italia”. More on that, as well as the OP session, in a separate thread. :wink: :slight_smile:

You can’t go to Ottawa without a visit to the “Pub”…:wink:

Or breakfast at Chances R