Large Scale Central

Vintage Campers

I am a man of many interests and not an expert in any of them. Wife and I have two vintage campers. We have one almost done if they ever are, kind of like model RR always changing/improving. Another we just got last year.

1976 Tag A Long at Sampson State Park NY at a TCT rally.

1963 Kenskil just as we got it home.


Very cool! Long before they were considered vintage, I pulled a small borrowed Scotty from Buffalo to Cape Cod with a well used Dodge Monaco. My then future wife and I spent a week at Nickerson State Park in it and had a blast.

More recently, I have been trying to keep a 2008 30 foot Trail Lite in serviceable condition. It’s had lots of problems, mostly water leak and rodent related. I’ve replaced the bathroom floor and ceiling that had rotted away, rebuilt the furnace and re-plumbed all the heat outputs. I also did a silicone coating on the rubber roof. I’ve also recently replaced all four electric brakes and tires.

In the spring, I plan on dropping some of the under skin (coroplast panels) to firm up some spongy spots in the floor and possibly reconnect floor heat ducts that were abandon due to said rodents. This project will require building ramps to raise it up enough to work under.

I keep hoping to get one or two more seasons out of it. I’d like to buy new, but trade value in on this one is a negative number!

Great looking campers Mark. Are you a member of the Tin Can Tourist site on Facebook?
A few years back my wife and I almost bought a stripped out 1976 Air Stream with the intent of rebuilding it but decided it was going to be too much work.
Vintage campers are really neat. I always liked the Air Streams, the Shasta and the “canned ham”.

That is funny Jon Radder. I live near Nickerson and I ride my bike there in the Summer. We also go hiking year round, around Cliff Pond.

Water leaks are the biggest problem with campers, we built a garage last fall just for our two campers to keep them out of the weather especially in the winter. We are members of TCT including on FB, been going to Sampson for several years it’s great fun and a bonus is there are several winery’s that’s not to far.

I had a 1970 shashta with the wings … I heard it’s still being used in Canda as a hunting cabin/trailer…

Rumor has it that Devon is restoring an old trailer.

:joy: :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

anyone can invent any rumor about Devon. just because he is really doing each and everything!


No, no Korm it’s true he showed pics and all a few moons back :sunglasses: :innocent:

Wife and I are pecking away at our 16’ Layton that I think is an early 70s. She know the year, I don’t. But it was more or less a mouse infested shell. We have slowly been bringing it back to life. We use it as we work on it also. It has already taken us on many trips.

Not vintage, per say, but we’re thinking something like this, towed by a repowered/rebuilt Type 2 would be just the ticket after we get tired of the Class C

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i knew the original volkswagenbuses outfitted as campers, but using shortened buses as trailers was new to me.

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An old Airstream Argosy would be cool to get, restore, and upgrade.

Break out a wad of cash. When we first started this adventure I wanted a small old airstream. Ha, apparently so does everyone else. I wanted to get the all silver one and then buff it to a mirror finish and blind commercial pilots at 20,000 feet. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Yea, Airstreams are (IMHO) more for people that want an Airstream, than people that want to go away and camp. YMMV of course.

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I did see Devon is working on a camper. Water damage is the most common with older campers. Our Kenskill needs some panels inside replaced. In the era that it was made most company’s used 1/4" Birch plywood Kenskill was made in CA and they used Ash. We went on the hunt and could only find it in CA the shipping would be killer to NY. We got some Ash veneer, in about a week I will be veneering some 1/4" plywood. Need to get the Kenskill ready for our first trip of the year in May going to Kring Point.

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Ours is by no means a restoration. We have no intention of making a show camper. This is purely a camping camper to yank through the woods. We want it to look nice but its nothing we are trying to put back to original.

It is crazy how the Airstreams hold their values but there is something really neat about them. I guess they are just so classic. Whenever my wife and I see one on the road or in someones yard we get excited and shout AIRSTREAM! :crazy_face: