I think you grabbed the URL while in “edit” mode on YouTube for the second video.
I see you fixed it
Noel Wilson said:
I think it’s an IE problem. In your “quote”, the url is showing up as a hot link.
In Bob’s, it’s not.
Same thing is happening to me when I try to embed.
The cleanest way to get a youtube link is to COPY it out of the address bar.
Bob McCown said:
The cleanest way to get a youtube link is to COPY it out of the address bar.
I’ve been doing that Bob…for a long time. It’s still not working. If you look at Noel’s url, and the url you used, they’re one and the same.
If you “quote” Noel(just look, don’t post), you’ll see his url displays as a hot link, framed by the bracketed youtube.
Quote your post, and the url does not display as a hot link.
Right. If there are URL tags around it, it wont display it inline. You need to add the youtube tags around it yourself, then the url ONLY then the closing youtube tag. Then it works.
I’m not using url tags.
Maybe Jon can explain it better than I can
Jon Radder said:
I did a comparison between Joe and Ralph’s url. Ralph’s had extra data about List= etc, but even deleting that wouldn’t allow text copied from Ralph’s post to embed while text copied from Joe’s post would. The difference I notice that in the editor it treats the text from Ralph’s post as a URL (blue and underlined) while the text from Joe’s post is clear.
I’ve had similar problems with urls in the new editor. In my Scranton Steam Up post I had to hand key the url. The cut and paste url would not work.
Curiouser and Curiouser.
Now, I’ll try it again.
My last post above with Internet Explorer 9.
This post with Firefox.
It 's an IE issue with the forum software
Then I guess I’ll remove video embedding, since IE, yet again, doesnt play nice like everyone else does.
Bob McCown said:
Then I guess I’ll remove video embedding, since IE, yet again, doesnt play nice like everyone else does.
Please no
How about a “sticky” on top of the video forum explaining embedding won’t work with IE.
Myself, I’ll just use FF here
Test with IE 9.0.8112
Seems to work here.
IE is and always will be nothing but issues IMO
I got it to work.
In the “quick reply” editor, the url displayed “blue” as a live link. I hit backspace, and the live link disappeared.
Worked in “Post Reply” as well.
Using firefox and copy and paste url and add brackets for video. test.