Large Scale Central

Vic Smith 2025 Mik Challenge, Casey Jones railbus

Where i am today, all major construction finished, only thing left now is weathering, figures and glazing, which I will be working on this week. Still have a week, in no hurry this year.

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I really need a more professional photo booth or something.

Looks fantastic Vic. That motorā€¦ wow.
I like your wheel wipers.

If you donā€™t have a washing machine at home, maybe the local laundromat can provide the proper atmosphere Vic. :wink: :innocent: :sunglasses:


I snorted :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

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flood ore fireā€¦ - Vic finishes first!

Beautiful truck Vick. I love it, is that a Mack radiator?

That came out great VIc. Very classic looking design.

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Still fiddling with it, doing weathering right now

Thanks, Yep, I usually have several Mack hoods left over from previous bashes

Calling it done, weathered, figures added, dull coated and glazing added. Predicting rain the rest of this week so no glamour shots until the weekend. Had a lot of fun with this one. Itā€™s one of the very few from scratch models I have and itā€™s given me a lot of confidence to try more from scratch models.


Vic you are a pro. You have scratch built a lot of awesome models. Most breaking the ā€œrulesā€. Donā€™t sell yourself short. You are one of my Devoning inspirations. I just came across my Vic inspired sub 30" diameter logging loco that I need to finish. You have brought large scale to tiny places



Thatā€™s what he saidā€¦

Hello Vic, following your build during the challenge. What type of gears and axle are you using for the rail bus?.. I am interested in building a railcar from a diecast 1/24 or similar. I am at a standstill for the gearbox. Do you have any suggestions?

Nice job building that cool railbus. Will we get to see a video of it running down the track?


Love it. Still have my Delton Mack railbus. Found out that a couple of lead figures seated over the drive axle would allow it to climb a 4% grade!

Best, David Meashey

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Thanks Devon, I still consider myself somewhat of a chainsaw artist, but Iā€™m looking forward to a couple more bashes I want to build.

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I donā€™t know about So Cal but up here in Idaho where everyone owns a chainsaw, I have seen some pretty talented artists make some exceptional sculptures with a chainsaw. So calling yourself somewhat of a chainsaw artist can put you in some pretty high class company. I know what you meant, and I think we all sort of feel that way. Probably a good thing too. I think it would suck if I finally became perfect at it. No room to grow nothing new to learn. That wouldnā€™t be fun.


Are you hiding a pilot cresting?

If so then perhaps instead of the Angry Beaver it should be the Evil Toad railbus.

Inquiring :rooster: 's wanna know!

Thats just a bag of my ā€œmade in Chinaā€ seated figures. I prefer Pola or Preisler figures but there is no way Iā€™m going to pay the $$$ they ask for them new, even used the sellers can still stick it to you. So its PRC and ā€œJust Plain Folkā€ figures for me