Other CentralCanada railway attractions, as shared via my G-gauge flavoured ‘mailing list’ back August 28th …
~ Coincidentally (not affiliated), the PraireDogCentralRailway’s http://www.pdcrailway.com/ final weekend for steam-powered running is also that weekend !! I noticed on their sched’, Sat. Sept 29 for the wine enthusiasts there is 2 Adult train runs " Around the World with Wine" -Steam -7:00 PM - 9:30 PM $39.95 ! And then next day on Sunday Sept 30th, all-ages train runs “Great Train Robbery” -Steam-11:00 AM-2:30 PM- $28.95/$20.95
As soon as you decide you’re heading east to catch this CentralCanada railway weekend and ya wish to partake of any of these train runs BOOK !! They tend to sell out fast …if not already !!! http://www.pdcrailway.com/History/vintagelocomotive.htm
A couple yrs back (usual fall visit) I decided to go for it …winging it Sunday maybe catch the p.m. train last public steam run of the season, though no joy sold out, but second best (for a rialfan !?) chasing the train with at least 2 personal stops for run-bys along hwy 6, northwest all the way to GrosseIsle {not to Warren ‘cause they’re earning revenue by renting railhead space to …unioncarbide(?, covered hoppers) which keeps the PDCR doors open} I successfully acquired some vid and stills that visit (including of the engine backhead during its GrosseIsle stop even though I wasn’t a paying rider ) after they used their wye to turn the engine ‘round to pull from the cab’ end … even at the end of the day since I railfan’ with safety vest (i don’t believe i had hardhat/eye protect’) I was there for traincars being put away into the shed by PDCR GP9 #4138 and after #3 having dumped its cinder load being slowly bumped in by #4138 into the shed . . . I was there so long that I almost got locked into the compound
OH btw you ride on this train pulled by #3 . . it is said to be the oldest runnin’/workin’ coal-fired steam locomotive in NorthAmerica !!!
~ ASSINIBOINE VALLEY RAILWAY also in winnipeg ; http://www.swedenfreezer.com/avr/
‘darn it’ their FallDinner Train is happening (sept. 15/16) roughly a week before I even consider heading home !! That is a blast plus it helps with their finances ! Usually 2 people sharing a gondola while having a well-prepared rustic meal. Also running at Christmas thru their snowy but well-lite forest winterwonderland . . . . ohhhh yeah did ya notice this “is 1.6” scale 7.5" gauge " aka ride-on !!
~ Another active railway attraction of CentralCanada . . . . Winnipeg is primary start/end point for (1:1) VIA’s “Churchill Special” {what I call it anyways } out of VIA UnionStation Main St., Winnipeg ! http://www.viarail.ca/en/trains/prai...ipeg-churchill
"Departures from Winnipeg on Tuesdays and Sundays. Departures from Churchill on Thursdays and Saturdays. "
ex. econo (prairie settler seating } trip dept wpg. tues 1205 oct2nd arr churchill 0900 oct4th dept churchill 1930 oct6th arr oct8th 1645 . . . presently 50% off = $309cdn/adult oooor you can dept/arr from the smaller quieter VIARail Station/PortagelaPrairie slightly diff. times for $282 {but I wouldn’t lv my car in that parking lot beyond daylight hrs !!}
~ how about Winnipeg’s VIARail Union Station, 100 yr old !
Location and manned hours; http://www.viarail.ca/en/stations/pr...nnipeg/station
Special (1908) 1911-2011 Centennial Celebration NationalFilmBoard presentation ; 16min. … http://www.viarail.ca/en/WinnipegStation with history and additional articles below screen !
{i don’t think i’ve already shared this flim link !? }
~ UnionStation also the home of the Winnipeg Railway Museum
{hmmmm it’s been a few years since I dropped in there looks like some new exhibits, aaaand IMHO a CentralCanada… or a New National Railway Museum of Canada should have built at the “Forks” site vs a human rights museum yeeeeech !! }
~ Departing by train from VIA Rail station in PlaP ? . . . also just northeasterly across the CN mainline and sub’ then the gravel road, there is PortagelaPrairies’ 119yr olde CP Station; http://www.cprstationportage.ca/index.html
{also home of the PortageModelTrainClub who also maybe packing up some of their HO modules to display at the previously mentioned, "1st annual Manitoba Mega Train , …}
Sooooo there ya go, a Railway-themed weekend (or two) in Central Canada, the last week/weekend of September . . . . . .
And I maybe trackside in PlaP railfanning . .CNWestTower, waving at ya while your rolling by on the train to Churchill or maybe even pts west along the CN mainline !!