I have an NW-2 that I wanted to install the original sound system into. I found one on ebay. So I have that and 2 remote boxes. When I tried to install the sound system and the smaller remote control sound (it’s supposed to replace reed switches), I was confused. When the instructions for the sound card said to “feed the track power wires up through the hole…” I realized I was shorted that item in the sound card box. OK, that answered one problem.
The 2 remote push button assemblies had 2 different sets of instructions, so I tried to take an average of the 2 to make some sense, BUT both instructions said to connect the red and green wires to track power. Remember at this point I have no track power. Secondly, each of the cards have short orange and brown wires on them, with a warning now to connect the power wires with the wrong polarity, or you will blow out the sound card. So, where do these 2 wires go?
I emailed USAT a week ago and have not had a response. Does anyone know of a USAT Support Group? Help!