Looking for confirmation/info on the diameter of the “infamous” “marker”/“classification” LEDs on USA Trains diesels.
I have not pulled out all the locos, but a friend told me that some of these red/green LEDs are 5mm and some are 3mm.
Does anyone have a few close by to check?
I’m going to order some green/white LEDs to accurately reflect what the prototypes did, as these were indeed class lights, not markers. (in the F units for example, the red light when running light was in the bottom of one of the headlights)
Going to be real fun since I cannot find common anode LEDs in this color, only common cathode which will require a little trickery in DCC.
Anyway all info on the F3, Geeps, PA, NW2, etc would be helpful.
Not helpful is a lecture on classification lights or other locos.
Thanks, Greg