From TOC:
You can partially disengage the drive to the floppy axle when replacing gears in the main motor block.
Do the bushings in the intermediate shafts look like the ones in Ted’s SD 40? I think they can be displaced too… although not much is making sense in light of you reporting good torque on all wheels.
Do you find you can feel the vibration in any of the wheels? Is it more pronounced in one axle over the others?
Like I said I have not pulled one (the floppy drive) apart, but he mentioned this to me on the phone tonight. It really sounds like the drive is slipping gears.
I think you need to pull it apart and investigate the drive from the “middle” axle to the “lead axle”…
Will ask again, what was the original issue that prompted “replacement” gears? I’m guessing something was damaged, can you tell which gears were damaged?