Large Scale Central

USA Trains replacement LED marker lights: work on 12V DC?

That about says it. I’m rebuilding some old, damaged AristoCraft Heavy Weight passenger cars and the obs. end car has broken marker lights. I see USA Trains parts offers, “marker lights.” both in incandescent and LED. These old cars have incandescent lamps. There are a LOT of things written about these problematic cars, derailments especially. It is often suggested to pull out the stock lamps and replace the interior lights with an LED strip. I might do that…later. After I see how everything works out. Meanwhile, if the LED replacement markers will work with track power DC, I’ll do that and be ahead. If the USAT LED’s require a circuit board, voltage drop circuitry, etc., I’ll rethink everything. Anyone know if the LED’s will work without modifying the car? Thanks, Dennis

Dennis, yes you can.
I will tell you all about it next time we meet up.

Thanks, John:
I wondered if you’d be watching this site pretty close…
I think I’ll order the LED marker lights then. And, I might as well order a strip of warm color mini LED’s at the same time as I doubt the cost would be much. May even come in rolls. Seems LED strips in the 8V to 24V specs. ought to work.
PS: from your recent You Tube, I’m so happy you are contributing to the betterment of Racoons.

I have all the info and a place right here in WA to order all the supplies. pretty cheap.
I buy all my stuff from him.

I quit feeding those coons last month, hoping they would move on.
Now I feed the cats in the morning and pick up the leftover chow to use the next day.