Large Scale Central

USA #6 switches

Has anyone had problems with the USA #6 switch? I’ve had three of them smoke and burn up. They have small gauge wire going from the electrical switch to the points and frog which burnt up and melted the wire. Now the Frog isn’t powered. Nothing under the cover on the bottom looks shorted. I’m at a lost as to why.

There are a number of problems known about the #6 switch, but I’ve never heard of anyone complaining about one burning up. Sounds more like more than 24v dc was applied to it. :confused:


Maybe the hardware that sets the frog polarity did not work right, and with the polarity wrong, and a loco on the frog, a nasty short occurs.

Same thing has happened on the Aristo #6’s.

By the way Warren, I have heard nothing about the USAT #6’s, where have you seen anything posted on them? I looked them over as an alternative to Aristo.

Regards, Greg

(Maybe you and/or the poster meant Aristo USA style tie switches, not the new USAT #6 switches)

The Aristo #6 has a small circuit interrupter in the fog power lead. This will shut down the power to the frog when a short occurs. It;s easy to short one, even if the micro switch is working. If you approach the switch from the diverging route with the points open (or vise versa) you will cause a short in the frog circuit.

Aristo uses solid bus wire to the frog. It’s small gauge, but seems to handle the current just fine. Sounds like USA Trains is using stranded wire and no protection, resulting in the smoke.

A fix would be to get some of the circuit interrupters Aristo uses and re-wire with heavier gauge and protection.


Warren Mumpower said:
There are a number of problems known about the #6 switch, but I've never heard of anyone complaining about one burning up. Sounds more like more than 24v dc was applied to it. :/


Warren, you mean these don’t get wired to 220v? you’ve been most helpful!

My RCS equiped stuff have no problems with the USA switches, I tried MTH DCS powered by Aristo 10amp/18volt and upon powering on they smoked. just a passing siding, no reverse loop or crossed polarity. Wanted to run something cheep around the house for Christmas.

Oops. My bad! :frowning: Greg I misread the post and was thinking of the Aristo #6 and not the USAT turnout.

Ok, I’ll shut up and go back to sleep! :confused:


Marc Bergmueller said:
Warren, you mean these don't get wired to 220v? you've been most helpful!
CLEAR! Bzzzzzzzzzzt

After I finished reading the firecracker post in the General Forum I’m sure anything is possible…:confused: Of course, as I confessed above, it would definately help if I learned to read…:frowning:


I’ll have to look up that firecracker post soon as they graft new fingers on me. This nose typing sucks!

oh! I guess he isn’t worried about his fingers

Battery power does keep away from many problems.

I would be interested in hearing from anyone who has installed a USTrains #6 switch.
I’m not concerned in any way with the electrical problems…but sure would like to hear of the overall standards met with the track itself. How are the frog, and points. Is everything in guage… Do the screws come loose…what has happened after a year of service ?

I have only seen these switches at a show last year, but didn’t have a track guage with me. I think I remember seeing a screw loose in the box…was it from the point rail ala Aristo…?

It would sure be good to hear of any problems, other than electrical.

Fred, I haven’t read any feedback on them on any forum other than one guy that bought one. I looked them over very carefully at the QM show, i.e. held in hands, took pictures.

The frog is nicely cast brass or bronze. The contours look nice, and the flangeways look more correct than the Aristo one, i.e. there seemed to be better ramps leading to the frog flangeways.

I did not like the 2 microswitches to turn the switch in case you ran against the switch.

The ties were on par with Aristo.

I did not like the electrical bits, but same as Aristo, I thought the fit and finish overall was a bit better than Aristo.

I have some pictures I can email you if helpful, just let me know.

Regards, Greg

Thank you, Greg