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Uploaded pictures from the 2010 NGRC Train Tour

Hello everyone,

I know it’s been awhile, but I wanted to let you know that I have started uploading pictures from the Train “Layout” Tour during the 2010 NGRC in Tacoma. I have uploaded six layouts and will continue to upload two - three layouts each evening for the next two to three weeks. If I can remember correctly I think we visited some thirty plus layouts, and you can view our pictures and videos from our newly published forums page at

Thanks, and enjoy…

Rick Isard
Cordless Renovations, LLC

Thank you Rick and nice pics , but with so many on each page it’s really slow loading. Any way to split the pages.

Thanks Rick.
Must of been pretty cool to visit 30 layouts.

Hi guys,

Dave, the PhpBB software only let’s you upload pics in a predetermined file size without having to move the slide bar up & down or side to side. Before viewing the pics empty your recycle bin and make sure you don’t have other programs running in the background. I’m guessing the processor in your computer is a little slow or it’s running multiple programs at the same time. So to speed up the download of the pics, we need to turn off any programs that are running in the background that your not using right know. I thought about posting x-amount of pics in multiple forums, but with so many pics I’ll have over 50 forums for you to view.

Ralph, it was pretty cool seeing all the layouts and getting idea’s to bring back here to Iowa to add in our layout. If you ever have a chance to visit a NGRC, it’s we’ll worth it!

Rick Isard
Cordless Renovations, LLC

Very cool…Thanks for taking the time too load and post the shots!