Large Scale Central

Under pressure - modular layout

thanks, shawn. well, man thinks and wifey acts… i thought to have a nice quiet weekend for my modelling - and she invited some friends for a sunday barbeque. so instead of finishing the barn it will be hearing and telling vintage jokes. this far i did come: boards aged on inside (furniture polish) and kreosoted (liquid shoe wax and alcohol)

after glueing the walls a test positioning. (seems, that i overdid the wharped boards)

building up the support for the gables.

so, finally putting the barn together.

you might notice, that i use the famous coffee stirrers only where they are out of sight. since i once calculated, that a coffee stirrer makes a board of 2" scale-thickness, i tend to use veneer at a scale-thickness of 1 1/4".

Korm: STOP!!! Your local Hardware will have Stovepipe wire. Get a big roll of #14-#16 blackened steel stovepipe wire for $6-$7 bucks. You might want a $3 dolar roll of #19 for the small branches, tho maybe not. I use this stuff for everything… Find it lasts for years even outdoors… easy to work, too…

Hans-Joerg Mueller said:
one can get a lot of trees out of welding cable. Best source the welding shop that just did a number on one of those by dropping some heavy stuff on it. ...@ Korm: What you're looking for is StyroDur. The soft stuff crumbles too easily, but it is great for making tunnel portals and retaining walls in the smaller scales, real easy to carve the stone block joints.
Good tips, H.J.!!! The welding cable idea for trees sounds even better than my stovepipe wire - mind you I use the stovepipe wire for many other things, and not for trees, but I could... Now, where can we get Korm a busted-up ol' welding cable.... ?

Agway (farm and garden supply) carries spools of 17 ga galvanized electric fence wire, a half mile spool for about $30.

the imperial gauge #s are kind of chinese to me. but the thinnest galvanized wire i can get here - is about a full millimeter thicker, than the copperwire i bought.
the rusty steelwire, used for broom-binding, might do… for the next forrest to plant.
(for electric fencing they nowadays sell us some kind of webbed belts from plastic with fine copperstrands woven in)

i am cheating. instead of an honest framework, i put some thick paper for the roofstructure.

roofing the barn. pieces of hemp-string (used for hayballs) dipped in white glue.

The thatched roof in going to look very cool.

Cool Roof - nobody will know/see your shortcut.

thanks for the comments. while i am thatching, i got a volunteer! my daughter offered to help. she is planting grass now.

Korm, my entire Pizza is a collective of short cuts, cheats and downright falsehoods, that’s where the fun is. :smiley:

yes, i know by your presentations. your layots show, that a modell must not be an exact copy, but has to capture and enhance the essence of a landscape or building.

Thro. Cows need to be animated with a cheep batt . clock motor… One for each cow on the second had shaft. Just an idea. noel & Jane

if i got menough time, some animations should be swell.
please explain a bit nearer, what you are thinking about.
the cows “wandering” about? or cutting them up to move tails and heads?

Korm Kormsen said:
....while I am thatching, I got a volunteer! My daughter offered to help. She is planting grass now.
God bless the little sweetheart! ;)

the “little” sweetheart stands six foot-one in her shoes…

well, i think i’ll have to take a break from modelling for a couple of days.
i had a pair of refrigerated counters in my store - till today…
since there are no more parts for these antiquities, i ordered two new ones from the capital.
but… the old ones do not pass through the new doors!
so i will be busy with some serious “reverse engeneering”.
time is getting short for this modular layout.

after some serious work at the store, back to the essentials - modelling. i was lucky. while searching for a fusebox to install in the store, i found something long forgotten. a preiser box with vegetables, i bought in '83 during a stay in germany. the pricetag says 23.50 german marks (11.75 euros). i doubt, that i could get it for that now. another shortcut of half a day.

Korm Kormsen said:
Noel, if i got menough time, some animations should be swell. please explain a bit nearer, what you are thinking about. the cows "wandering" about? or cutting them up to move tails and heads? korm
Hi Korm.. Give me a e-mail when you have a chance.. Yours from here is not working.. I can get a time with you on Live cam on Livestream and fig. out something live with you. What'ch you think??

On the veg. . I have some of them here somewhere out back in the Ho building… I got them yr’s ago and forgot about them until you said something on them.
Mine is unpainted to i think… me


try: kormAkormsenPinfo (replace the “A” with the circle a and the “P” with a point)
i would love the idea to learn some more from you!
let us try to do it on the weekend of october 6 and 7. by then i will know, if i got the last week free to do some gimmicks, or if i’ll have to hurry to finish the basics.

the cucumbers and tomatoes are painted now.
sometimes i wonder, for how many layouts i got squirreled the materials together…

well, if we don’t get any visitors, i might finish the strawroof of the barn today. (the house and sheds will get corrugated iron sheets. i doubt, that i will ever again muster the pacience to make another strawroof)
