Hark back around twenty years or so and it was hard to find a doctor who would categorically, in the public domain, put a link between smoking and lung cancer. These days the sceptics are hiding their tails and coughing their cancerous lungs out, assuming they are still breathing. Who were the big bad guys then keeping the medicos quiet?
Today, who are the biggest poluters (non-alternative energy and the production industry) and exactly who employs the lobbyists to keep us all in the dark, these days? I am sure all those sceptics of the past, who smoked, would be wishing the lobbyists were not so powerful.
Australia has been ‘suffering’ under elevated continuous temperatures, with 2009 the second highest daily average temperate recorded to date (since record taking was commenced). Global change is upon us with record highs, record lows and record flooding and droughts. It is not simply the physical impact of global change on the earth, but the moral/economic impact and social changes that will result. Refugee numbers will skyrocket and war will be inevitable, as dispossessed people seek dry land under their feet and those unable to cultivate their land seek food.